These are the phoskitos and shells with which Mercadona has returned the memory of many childhoods

Mercadona has once again focused on popular products to continue expanding its catalog of novelties. On this occasion, directing its compass towards the most infantile public, or those who yearn for pastries from when they were little, the Valencian chain has launched its own line of and to make more than one client salivate. In addition, it does so for a real bargain price: 0.22 euros per unit.

Who didn’t have a break at school under a phoskito in hand or who didn’t run through the park with their friends with a shell. Two of the most classic buns in children’s snacks, known for their most popular brands, which have returned to the memory of many Mercadona consumers.

All after the presentation of the supermarkets that Juan Roig runs of these two sweets in their catalog of novelties. Under the names of and , both products are presented under the signature of Hacendado.

Nutritional Information and Ingredients

Regarding the copy of the phoskito, Mercadona advises that it provides 20 grams of fat for every 100 grams of the product (it weighs around 60 g), 53 g of carbohydrates and 416 kilocalories, among other matters. In addition, its main ingredients are the vegetable coating with cocoa, sugar, vegetable fats and oils, defatted cocoa powder, wheat flour (which is why it contains gluten) and a variety of humectants, raising agents and emulsifiers.

For its part, the shell provides 27 grams of fat for every 100 g of the product (it weighs about 58 g), 53 g of carbohydrates and 487 kilocalories, among other matters. As far as its ingredients are concerned, it is covered with cocoa, defatted cocoa powder, wheat flour, liquid egg and moisturisers, raising agents and emulsifiers, as well as potassium sorbate that acts as a preservative.

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Who is behind the phoskitos and shells of Mercadona?

Under the same price (0.22 euros) and the same supplier, Mercadona has relied on this occasion for its latest Hacendado product in . Based in Briviesca (Burgos), this company specializes in biscuits, breakfast cereals and snacks.

In an expansion process, for which reason it has recently sold its plant in this town in Burgos to Morato, while another has gone to Bimbo, the group’s key objective is to invest around 130 million euros in the next four years to move towards “more specialized, more efficient plants with a greater capacity for innovation”.

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