The ten best applications for business management

In the same way that digital technology revolutionized the world of photography, one can speak of a productivity revolution, which both the smartphone and the tablet have meant for the management of a company.

-Money Control

Available for all environments, it allows you to manage both family and company accounts, with greater freedom in the paid version. It also allows you to be informed of market movements.

– How much to charge

This is ideal in the case of freelancers since it allows a quick orientation of how much to charge, as its name indicates, for up to 75 different projects, determining what the ideal hourly rate is.

– Roambi

It is only available for iOS and allows you to make graphs comfortably and easily. Is free.

-Webex Meeting Center

This application allows you to hold video conferences through your smartphone, setting appointments on the calendar and synchronizing users to start at the same time. Is free.


It allows to synchronize the files in the cloud, with which you can combine the documents that are in the central computer, as from the iPad.


After you’ve accessed your Dropbox documents, the best option to edit and resend them is QuickOffice. It is available for iOS, Android and Symbian, and the paid version allows for a greater user experience.


After creating a profile on this social network, it allows you to make professional contacts at any time of the day and from anywhere. In addition, it not only works among professionals, but it is the companies themselves that carry out a large part of the activity.

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– make a note of

It allows you to create a virtual organization of quite well differentiated notes, which is very useful for future tasks that you don’t want to be overlooked because of their importance.


This app allows you to control company expenses when traveling. You can log mileage, run an expense report, and it’s available for iOS, Android, and BlackBerry.

-Augmented Business Card

This application, through an augmented reality card, allows you to meet future candidates to work in the company. Allows access to your CV after your personal image appears on the screen.

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