The undersigned

Among the lies and nonsense that have been seen and heard in the I find a document signed (according to they say) by more than two thousand people from art and literature that has once again pointed the finger “his eyebrow” , that is, in favor of the “progressive left”, that is, in favor of Sánchez. Well, according to the signatories, on May 4:

“He comes to provide a unique opportunity for the progressive left that we cannot miss.”

And they add:

“This time it is possible to get the right, and the extreme right, out of power in the Community of Madrid after 26 hellish years of attacks against the rights and dignity of the majority of citizens.”

How can the Madrid years from 1995 to the present be described as hellish? In what Madrid have these lunatics lived?

“That the progressive left manages to govern as of May 4 means cutting short the advance of fascism in our country. So everyone vote for the progressive left on Tuesday, May 4. We are risking democracy and freedom.”

The fact that we, the people of Madrid, risk our freedoms on May 4th is an obvious lie, and that this document is there, Maduro’s friend, fully disqualifies him. But where do these enlightened see fascism?

The extreme left and not the PP is the one that wants to end our Constitution

And what progressive left is that? Because any Madrid citizen knows that at no time -after a server was defeated by Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón’s PP- freedoms in Madrid have been at risk of being attacked, nor has fascism gained any position in Madrid society, nor the 26 years that the PP with or without support from other parties have been hellish.

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However, it was hellish for many public servants as mayoress, who dedicated herself -among other nonsense- to appointing people by finger. Such was the case of the leaders of Culture, who as soon as they arrived at the old slaughterhouse, which Alicia Moreno had turned into a relevant cultural place and where, among other things, two magnificent theaters baptized with the names of Max Aub and Fernando Arrabal, as soon as I arrived, I mean, these useless men removed the names of the two writers.

I have my doubts that such ignoramuses knew who these two authors were. Perhaps they thought that since the plaques had been placed by the government of Ruiz Gallardón, both Aub and Arrabal had to necessarily be Francoists.

After the protests that many of us mounted for such an offense, the names of the writers (two well-known anti-Francoists) returned to their place. Of course, reluctantly.

But the most striking thing about the manifesto discussed here are some of the names of those who have signed it. For example, Elvira Lindo, writer; Antonio Muñoz Molina, writer; Manuel de la Rocha, lawyer; Ángel Viñas, university professor; Manuel Rivas, writer; Charo Lopez, actress.

I wonder: have they read the barbarities contained in the pamphlet? And I want to answer with: No, they have not been able to read it, because I know all those mentioned here and they are people with intellectual merits so as not to allow themselves to join that extreme left that wants to end our Constitution.

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