How to insert a legend or caption in Word

A caption is a text which is used when publishing images, since they are responsible for describing or defining them, with the purpose of giving a type of context to the user.

Taking this into account, in the following article We will teach you how to place a legend in Microsoft Wordquickly and very easily.

Steps to follow

To add a caption in this program, it will be necessary to apply the following steps:

  1. Select the image you require, go to the “tabReference” and press “Insert title”, which will run a window.
  2. Then, go to “Illustration 1”, writes the legend and chooses the position of said writing.
  3. To prevent the word “Illustration” from appearing, check the “Exclude title label”. However, if you want to use other terms, press “New sign…”.
    Note: Press “Numbering…” in case you want to use letters of the alphabet (upper or lower case), Roman numerals, among others.
  4. When you have made all the modifications, press “Accept”.

Using a text box

If you prefer to avoid automatic numbering of images, you can use a text box. To do this, follow this procedure:

  1. Enter the tab “Insert“, click on “text box” and select the option “Draw text box”.
  2. Move the mouse to draw it the size you need and make sure the cursor be inside of said object.
  3. Then press “Insert > Images”, adds the photograph and adjusts the box to this element, dragging its corners to only have the space of the description.
  4. Press “Enter” in order to generate another line, type the caption and removes its edges following the path “Drawing Tools > Shape Outline > No Outline”.
  5. Finally, change the format of the letter by shading it with the mouse, access “Start” and locate yourself in “Styles” or in the section “Fountain”.
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In case of formal documents

If you need to use a numbered caption for formal documents, follow this procedure:

  1. Go to the “tabReferences“, go to the “Titles” group and press “Insert Cross-references”, which will launch a new window.
  2. In “Guy“, Choose “Illustration” and in “Reference to“, places “Page number”.
  3. To finish, press “Insert”.

By doing this, readers will be able to go to the indicated image by clicking on the hyperlink, while pressing the “Ctrl” key.

In case of footer with a photo

To use this type of function, it will be necessary that follow the route “Insert > Header or Footer > Blank”. Once done, press “Images” to add the photo and write the text you require. Finally, press “Close Header and Footer”.

As you can see, inserting a caption in Word is a simple and very useful process.

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