What is JSON?

To answer what it is, we must start by saying that its acronym in English stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a format for storing and exchanging information that anyone can read. json files contain only text and use the extension .json.

In this article, you will learn what the JSON format is used for and how it can improve the performance of your website.

What is a JSON file used for?

Going back to the initial question of what is json; JSON is a format that stores structured information and is primarily used to transfer data between a server and a client.

The file is basically a simpler and lighter alternative to XML (Extensive Markup Language) that has similar functionality.

Developers use JSON to work with (asynchronous JavaScript and XML). These formats work well together to achieve asynchronous loading of stored data, which means that a website can update its information without refreshing the page.

This process is easier to do with JSON than with XML/RSS. And today, as many websites are adopting AJAX, the file .json has become very popular.

Also, it allows users to request data from a different with a method called by applying tags

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