How to create CSGO servers on Linux VPS

Have you been playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and decided it’s time to set up your own servers? In this article, you will learn how to create CSGO servers on Linux VPS.

Why should I have my own CSGO server?

Most of today’s modern games depend on a constant internet connection to be fully functional or at least to offer a unique gaming experience and better updates.

is no exception. Although it is possible to play offline, the online version offers a more competitive and exciting level of action.

However, not much can be done when a public server has network problems. Not to mention the persistent cheaters and trash comments that could hurt your gaming experience.

This is why you should consider creating your own virtual private server. It allows you to have better control over your connection and you can personally choose the best hosting service. If you are looking for a reliable server, check out our one that offers great uptime for an affordable price and provides great customer support.

Second, it allows you to play by your own rules. You are free to configure the most enjoyable gaming experience for both yourself and your friends.

Also, as the server administrator, you have the power to kick or ban anyone you deem offensive or cheating.

However, before I show you how to create a CS:GO server, please note that we will be using a Linux in this tutorial. Therefore, you need to login to your server via SSH using your root login. On , the login information is available in the tab servers of your hPanel.

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We recommend using the default terminals on Linux or macOS or on Windows. If this is your first time using a terminal, you can read our article to learn how to .

How to create CSGO servers

We’ll break this guide down into four steps: install everything you need, download and install SteamCMD, use Steam to download the server files, and get started with your CS:GO server.

1. Install everything you need

First, we need to install the lib32gcc1 runtime library for the whole process to run smoothly. To get the package, proceed with the following command:

apt-get install lib32gcc1

2. Download and install SteamCMD

Downloading and using SteamCMD with root permissions is not a good idea, as the program could mess with your system if there is ever a problem. To avoid this, we must first create a user for our software.

  1. To do this, use the command useradd: useradd -m steam
  2. After you have created an account, you have to log in as this user and start the installation of SteamCMD. Use the following command to enter: su – steam

    To make a structured directory, it is recommended to create and enter the Steam directory with:

    mkdir ~/Steam && cd ~/Steam

  3. Now you have to download the latest version of SteamCMD from the Valve server using: wget

    After that, run a command tar to unzip the file:

    tar xf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz

    Finally, enter this line to run the program:


3. Use SteamCMD to download the files from the server

If the installation was successful, you should see the Steam prompt:


Now you have to enter your Steam account. For security reasons, it is recommended to enter from the following command:


Using the command below, choose a folder name for your installation folder:

force_install_dir ./cs_go/

Now it’s time to finish the installation and validate the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive server files:

app_update 740 validate

In this case, 740 is the ID for the dedicated Counter-Strike Global Offensive server.

This whole process will take a couple of minutes.

Then open the page of from Steam to create a game server account.

  • App ID of the base game – Write 730 for CS:GO here. keep in mind that 740 it is used specifically for a dedicated server.
  • Memo – You can leave a reminder just for yourself.

4. Get started with your CS:GO server

Depending on the game mode, you can start your server in different ways. First, enter the cs_go directory so you can use the srcds_run application.

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to replace your GSLT after +sv_setsteamaccount when you are about to start your server.

Classic Casual:

./srcds_run -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_active +map de_dust2 +sv_setsteamaccount THISGSLTHERE -net_port_try

Competitive Classic

./srcds_run -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_active +map de_dust2 +sv_setsteamaccount THISGSLTHERE -net_port_try


./srcds_run -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 1 +game_mode 2 +mapgroup mg_allclassic +map de_dust +sv_setsteamaccount THISGSLTHERE -net_port_try


You have learned how to create CSGO servers on Linux VPS. You can read more helpful tips in Valve’s for dedicated servers.

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Gustavo is passionate about creating websites. He focuses on the application of SEO strategies at for Spain and Latin America, as well as the creation of high-level content. When he is not applying new WordPress tricks you can find him playing the guitar, traveling or taking an online course.

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