Key takeaways from exclusive webinar with Neil Patel: Learn how to monetize your blog

Neil Patell is an author, entrepreneur, and a New York Times bestselling web influencer, recognized as a Top 10 Marketer by Forbes. Helping businesses with innovative strategies, Neil Patel has gained immense popularity with his digital marketing and business skills.

This time, we were delighted to have you as our webinar speaker, sharing your experience on how to make money blogging. Explaining the whole concept in detail, Neil Patel talked about the practical skills and knowledge gained throughout his professional course and provided useful tips for starting your own online business. So, whether you are a beginner without a website or a professional eCommerce business owner, this event had something valuable for everyone.

We are excited to share our post-webinar key takeaways with you:

Choose a topic for publication. First of all, choose something that you are passionate about. Second, rapid research which is trending upwards, something that people are becoming more and more interested in over time. The important thing to keep in mind is not to worry about the saturation of a specific topic. Just because a keyword is frequently mentioned does not mean that it is adequately covered.

Creation and publication of content. It doesn’t matter if you’re an expert from the start or become one along the way, the only way your content will succeed is if it’s informative and packed with valuable, actionable information. Fake news and inaccuracies are detected by search engine algorithms and will significantly damage your domain authority.

Neil Patel says that 3 times a week is a good starting point for posting frequency, but in an ideal world, you’d be writing and posting once a day. The number of words should be enough to convey the message, so don’t obsess over the number of words, but rather the quality of your content.

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Ways to earn money, traffic monetization. Before thinking about monetization, you must create a constant audience. Once you do, start with a lead magnet to collect emails so you can start promoting the content you’ll get paid for. It sounds like a basic method, but it works. If people find your content valuable, they will be willing to buy from you. Another way to do this is affiliate products, AdSense, and banner applications. Test and see which ones work best for you and your niche.

When it comes to increasing your traffic, Neil Patel mentions some ways to get more people to see your content. Letting people know about new content on social media is one way, while doing the same through email blasts is another. In addition, it communicates with other publications with backlinks to the competition and presents pieces of content to obtain a quality backlink as well. Lastly, the interconnection between pieces of content written by the same owner leads people to stay within the content ecosystem and ultimately increase traffic.

How to know if your blog post is successful. As for “going viral,” Neil Panel realizes that there is no secret formula. Asking people is the most honest and direct way to find out what they think of your content. Tools like SurveyMonkey can quickly help you with feedback forms and surveys. It’s all a matter of timing, audience reaction and opportunity. What is shared between all pieces of viral content is the quality of the content, so all you have to do is keep producing and your viral moment will come.

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I know can you make money with youtube? Yes. While the most popular belief about YouTube monetization is views and ads, Neil Patel suggests making better use of the famous video platform. Using YouTube content to send viewers to a landing page or event has worked better. He even alluded to famous YouTube star Logan Paul, who turned his YouTube followers into paying customers for his most recent fight with boxing royalty Floyd Mayweather.

Is the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence to create content penalized by search engines? The use of these tools to generate content will not necessarily be penalized, but it will affect the quality of the content designed, since it is far from perfect. These tools help speed up the process, but affect the quality of your content.

Are Facebook Ads or Google Ads Better? Both channels are good, and the way to figure out which one is better for you is to try them out. The point of using them is to make money, and different channels work better for different niches and types of content. Test, adjust and modify your approach.

The 3 Best WordPress Plugins. Patel suggests either for SEO, for translations and for spam.

Although it is a very brief summary of what happened in the webinar, there are many more questions and answers from Neil Patel himself. These are real gems that can really help you get discovered quickly by search engines.

Carlos is a professional in digital marketing, eCommerce and website builders. He loves helping businesses grow online through his tips. In his free time, he is surely singing or practicing martial arts.

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