welcomes its 1,000th employee

We have recently reached an exciting number! A front-end developer has joined as the 1,000th employee worldwide! We decided to sit down with Tomas and talk about his career, his development path, long-term dreams, and how fits with his aspirations.

Tell us about your professional path. What brought you to YOU?

Oddly enough, it was my calling from a very young age. It was around 10th grade that I started to fall in love with it. I had a wonderful young teacher who showed me how fascinating the world of information technology can be. He was the one who urged me to learn more about IT and encouraged me to study it. After that first initial experience, I decided to join Kaunas University of Technology, where I met people who shared the same passion.

When and why did you join ? What does ‘s mission to make life easier for web developers, small and medium businesses mean to you?

I joined on September 1st, so you could say it was like going back to school. It was definitely a new beginning. I’ve heard a lot of great things about as an employer and service provider, so I started researching more and more about it. One thing led to another, and I had several interviews with people from , where I was amazed at how happy they were with their jobs and the company environment. At first, it was hard to believe that a company with such passion could exist, but now I can see it with my own eyes. I want to be part of this mission and help fulfill it.

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How did you spend your first weeks in your new position? What surprised you the most?

I spent my first few weeks trying to meet the people I’ll be working with and familiarize myself with our projects. What amazes me the most is how cooperative and passionate each member was about what they do. Each of them thinks about what they can do better to achieve better results in the team, and they are supported and rewarded by their colleagues and senior management. The teamwork here feels unique. Everyone helps each other and is willing to do whatever it takes to get better.

What’s your productivity hack?

Good time to sleep. Being tired will not bring efficient results. And try to do your homework in the morning, not at night, when you have less energy.

Are you obsessed with technology? What inspires you in the field of technology?

I feel like the whole world is obsessed with technology, but some just don’t realize it. All the new technology advances and becomes a part of everyone’s life. I came up with this idea quite some time ago and I want to be part of the driving force that improves it. Just looking back 5-10 years ago, I don’t think the variety of technological advances we made would seem absolutely normal today. What that tells me is that much more can still happen. The idea of ​​being part of at least one of them brings me joy, enthusiasm and motivates me to try to be better every day.

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What is the best thing that has happened to you recently?

Would joining be too simple? Another thing that brought me joy was buying an electric scooter and riding it around the city with my family. It was very nice to ride with the wind. Once again, a technological advance that is causing a major change in the way people commute to work in big cities. It’s such an exciting time we live in.

It is challenging to strive for the highest standards and deliver results. How do you maintain work-life balance? Tell us about your hobbies.

I love to play board games with my friends and family. From the fun social ones to the ones full of complex decision making. Also, I play some RPGs (role playing games) like D&D (Dungeons and Dragons). It is a great leisure time for me to relax by becoming a heroic figure for several hours. Today, it’s a way to escape the daily grind, a chance to recharge my batteries and reboot my brain. However, I have a long term dream to own my board game place to increase its popularity in Lithuania.

If you were allowed to go somewhere, where would you be and why?

I was always interested in Japan. I am attracted to its legends of ancient history. I wish one day to go there and visit ancient temples and all the exciting places it has to offer. The culture has always fascinated me because it is quite different from Europe. Samurai, anime, tech culture, and even the food scene have their own aura, their own unique heritage and flavor. I think it would be a unique experience.

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We all congratulate Tomas on starting his successful journey at !

Carlos is a professional in digital marketing, eCommerce and website builders. He loves helping businesses grow online through his tips. In his free time, he is surely singing or practicing martial arts.

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