6 people training and development techniques

The areas of training and development of people are currently being much more valued, and the importance of investing in them is practically a consensus in the business world.

If you have a company or you have people who work with you as a team, think that carrying out training helps to align people with the business objectives, guarantees that they all follow the same line of reasoning and action and ensure a good development curve of their knowledge and skills.

In short, it is a key piece for the of the business, since it makes everyone know what they have to do to achieve the desired results.

That’s why companies that still don’t pay attention to training and developing people in their strategies lose time, money and space in the market.

Thus, we are now going to show you 6 techniques for entrepreneurs who want to implement a training and development program in their own company.

And if you want to create a in this area, you will also find here some tips that will help you to do so.

VIDEO | 6 people training and development techniques

What is people training?

Training is a short-term process, implemented to modify the behavior of employees, ensure the acquisition of skills and knowledge of important rules and concepts to perform the tasks required by the job.

In most companies, it is applied only to the arrival of new employees, so that they learn their functions and understand the culture of the company.

However, it is essential to expand your practice to other moments within the organization, which will allow employees to always stay updated and prepared to face the challenges of the work environment.

What does people development mean?

development sIt serves to continuously refine the skills of employees and leaders, as well as stimulate motivation.

In addition, it is not only focused on professional growth, but also on personal growth. That is why development involves issues more related to experiences, satisfaction and .

Differences between training and people development

Although as we have seen, the two concepts are different, it is very common to think that training and development are the same. In many companies they combine both concepts in a single area.

However, what these areas do is linked more to the training and development of professional skills and not so much to the development of the worker as a professional and as a person.

It is true that both processes must be combined to adequately enhance the results of both the area and the company, but it is also important to know that both areas are being included, otherwise the organization would be seeing results in the short term, but not in the long term.

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The training of people oriented towards greater productivity, development of hard skills and continuous supervision of the evolution of the worker as a fundamental piece in the company is extremely relevant.

However, the development that includes personal development, acquisition of soft skills, connection with business objectives and organizational culture, is just as important and beneficial for the work group in the long term.

Since it brings out the best in each person to add it to the set of efforts to achieve the business objectives, in addition to creating loyalty between the business and the person.

Training techniques and people development

There are various types of training and development of people applicable in the company.

Each works best with a specific goal. Therefore, it is important to know the options before implementing them.

If you want to create a training and development course, it will be even more important to know how to differentiate each concept, so that you can choose the one that best applies to your way of teaching.

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We are going to show you the 6 most used training and development models:

1. Organizational training

Organizational training is the training of the company as a whole.

It can happen through conferences, workshops or even .

The important thing is to create an effective way to transmit the necessary information so that the collaborators learn something new and can be applied correctly during the work.

2. Assertive communication

Many times, a critical point for the company is the difficulty of communication between managers, leaders and employees.

Knowing how to converse in a clear, objective and respectful manner is essential to create a pleasant environment that encourages interaction and the exchange of knowledge between people.

It is common for tasks not to be carried out properly due to a lack of understanding of the rules or due to friction in the relationship between those involved.

This type of training presents some techniques for collaborators to improve interpersonal communication, such as:

  • Know well the subject that is being dealt with.
  • Use empathy and pay attention to the other.
  • Use verbal language appropriate to the listener.
  • Also take care of body language.
  • Be objective, but without being aggressive.
  • Know the right time to express yourself.

3. Leadership training

The people responsible for leading a department or a in the organization, regardless of their area, they must be able to carry out a large number of powers and, therefore, their responsibility is enormous.

Leaders need to manage teams, mediate internal problems, make decisions, spread best practices, and serve as motivation and inspiration for other employees.

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Thus, leadership training serves to improve their skills in managing people, conflicts, time, goals, etc.

In short, in any company, its very life depends on the quality of its leaders. If these are well trained, the company prospers; if not, the company declines.

4. Motivational training

Everyone is subject to experiencing moments of discouragement, demotivation and low productivity at work.

This can occur for personal reasons or for factors related to the company’s own environment, such as:

  • Problems in relationships with colleagues and leaders.
  • monotonous activities.
  • Lack of identification with the functions performed.
  • Little prospect of growth, among others.

Before implementing a motivational training program, it is important to make a to find out exactly what is demotivating employees. This makes it easier to mount an assertive strategy to solve the problem.

Some of the approaches to motivate teams are:

  • Work with case studies.
  • Implement policies to value the opinion of workers.
  • Create training courses for areas in which disinterest exists due to lack of instruction or understanding of activities.
  • Elaborate programs of benefits and prizes.

5. Development of skills and abilities

Competencies are the set of attitudes, skills and knowledge that a person needs to have to perform their activities well.

To work on the development of competencies within a company, it is necessary to first identify which competencies are necessary to carry out each function.

Subsequently, individual competencies must be surveyed to locate where it is necessary to invest in training and where officials are performing adequately or above average.

This study allows the company to identify the type of content that its training must have to ensure that employees develop and apply all the skills required by their duties.

6.Corporate coaching

Another way to invest in training and development is to implement a corporate coaching process.

With the use of coaching techniques, the process seeks individual and collective development within the organization, with the aim of forming assertive, high-performance teams committed to improving results.

The professional responsible for corporate coaching works by aligning the strategic planning of the organization with the individual objectives of the professionals.

The process is based on the understanding that motivated, qualified employees who feel part of the company are more likely to achieve the expected results.

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How to make an effective training?

And now that you know the importance of investing in the training and development of people in the organizational environment, you can start using this to your advantage.

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You can create a training program to implement it in your company and increase the performance of the people who work with you, or even sell your content to other people and companies.

Did the matter interest you?

So, we have prepared some tips to help you create a really efficient workout:

1. Define your audience

Before starting, it is essential to define who your content will be aimed at.

The more you know about your audience, the greater the chances that you will create assertiveness training.

Make a list of all the possible characteristics of this audience, such as:

  • Will it be made up of leaders or employees?
  • What is the average age of these people?
  • What are the functions they perform within the company?
  • What are the skills and abilities they need to develop?
  • How much time do they have to do the training?

We have a sheet that you can fill out to understand who are the people to reach with your training. Complete it with the necessary information:

2. Specify the objective of the training

Specifying the objective of your training is important so that people understand exactly what you are offering.

Therefore, clearly define what the company or the employee must achieve at the end of that training, so that they recognize the solution they need in your product.

In addition, having a well-defined objective will ensure that you can follow a coherent line of reasoning and will prevent you from raising unrelated questions in the same training, as well as preventing the content from being too long, confusing and inefficient.

3. Create a training script

As much as you know everything you are going to say during your training, it will be essential so that the content is organized in a coherent way.

It can be a very basic script, just with the main themes, but don’t stop structuring everything before you start.

This will ensure that you don’t forget any important details and that the classes will follow a logical sequence.

4. Choose the methods to use

If you have previously defined your audience, you will already know what you must do to attract their interest, right?

This is the time, for example, to define whether you will create a face-to-face course or a .

If you opt for the virtual model, you can now define the format you will use to transmit your…

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