Learn how to get out of your comfort zone with these simple steps

Opening your own business is a task that requires a lot of effort and dedication. For this reason, many people are afraid of it and, in many cases, miss out on growth opportunities, because they are afraid of “get out of the comfort zone” have you ever heard this phraseTRUE?

So, you should know that this attitude is essential for you to take the first step towards your goals and objectives.

First of all, you have to find out if you live in a comfort zone and how it is possible to get out of it.

In this post, we clarify doubts about the subject and we show you some tips so that you can take better advantage of your potential. Do not go!

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What is the comfort zone?

Describing this situation is much easier than you think.

For example:

Everything that happens daily in your life is part of your comfort zone. When you get used to an activity, you coast regardless of whether something new happens or not.

In other words, the comfort zone places us in a bubble that protects us from the unknown and unusual. As much as you complain or find it unbearable to live in these conditions, you keep doing it for fear of losing your stability, mainly financial.

The false sense of security causes people to always behave in a certain way with their co-workers, neighbors, family and friends.

Following that pattern, you can’t drive

Why is it important to get out of the comfort zone?

Facing challenges is part of the evolution of any society.

Imagine if no one had ever created an alphabet for us to communicate with!

Perhaps language and communication would have taken much longer to develop.

Having the same attitudes and expecting different results is wrong and also does not add value to your work or your personality.

Those who leave their comfort zone are not afraid to take risks and are often surprised by what they achieve. It is clear that each person adapts differently to the same situation, but the simple act of risking already provides more knowledge.

For example:

No one is born with the characteristics of a However, anyone can have good public speaking skills and the confidence to lead a team. But, to achieve this new ability he has to push his limits.

The responsibility to get out of the comfort zone is yours alone. Therefore, it is essential that you know your capabilities and know where you want to go.

How to identify if you are in a comfort zone?

You already know what the comfort zone is and how it can harm your personal and, mainly, professional life.

But how do you know if you are already in this situation?

Well, there are some warning signs that can help you identify if you need to take some risks and try new things.

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1. Your career is not advancing

If you never get that long-awaited promotion or better job, it may be a sign that you’ve settled in a bit. Maybe you don’t feel, or don’t see, the need to invest in your professional development by taking courses.

2. You don’t wake up happy

If getting up in the morning to go to work is no longer enjoyable, that’s a sign that you live in the comfort zone. If your area or your job no longer satisfies you, changing careers or companies may be a solution that you have not even thought of.

3. You can’t remember the last time you did something new.

When we don’t feel challenged or when we do the same thing for a long time, it’s normal for us to settle. If you can’t remember the last time you faced a challenging situation, that’s a sign that you need to get out of your comfort zone and breathe new life.

4. You procrastinate frequently

When we are not satisfied with a situation or we do not feel challenged, it is very common that we begin to leave everything for later and do not act. The and lack of action are also a warning sign that you have settled into your current situation.

5. You are afraid to change

One of the main signs that you are in the comfort zone is the fear of changing, even when it is necessary. If the very thought of change, whether radical or not, terrifies you, maybe it’s time to acknowledge that you’re in your comfort zone.

6. You have lost ambition

Lastly, cOnce you are in your comfort zone, everything goes so well that you stop having ambition and your mind relaxes in such a way that it stops perceiving opportunities as a source of development and you begin to let them pass without even realizing that they exist.

How to get out of the comfort zone?

Getting out of the comfort zone requires much more psychological than technical preparation.

Here are some tips that can help you.

1. Discover your potential

Before making a decision that involves leaving your comfort zone, you need to do a deep analysis of different aspects of your life.

In that sense, answering the following questions can help you better target your goals:

  • Am I satisfied with my current condition?
  • How do I position myself in my job? And with my family?
  • What dreams have I given up throughout my life? Why did I do it?
  • What are my hobbies?
  • What skills have I developed to date?
  • What hinders my performance?

The list may vary according to the profile of each person. However, answering these questions honestly is the first step to getting out of your comfort zone.

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In addition, the answers you find today will be different from the ones you will find if you do this same analysis in the future. This happens because we develop different abilities according to the efforts we make in our lives. Therefore, we must always be prepared for constant changes.

2. Learn to be flexible

Flexibility is an essential characteristic of a person who knows himself and is willing to handle unexpected situations. Generally, we have no control over the people around us, as they are free to act and think the way they want.

So don’t be so radical. Try to adapt to the scenarios that arise and, more than that, try to learn from the new situations imposed.

3. Diversify your knowledge

Since we started school we are used to studying only what we like. Some people prefer the exact sciences, others opt for the area of ​​the humanities. This thought limits your creativity a bit, despite being quite widespread.

A You must always be willing to discover new content.

If you are a math genius, learn a new language. Who likes poetry can learn to play a new musical instrument, and vice versa.

Invest in knowledge that can add value to your professional life, but don’t forget to also carry out activities that are of your personal interest. These paths will allow you to be a more complete and fulfilled person.

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4. Try to overcome your fears and fears

Feeling fear is natural and serves to protect us from danger. However, excessive fear is detrimental to your personal development, as it hinders relationships and the realization of new experiences in your routine.

Overcoming fear is something simpler than many imagine. You have to face what causes that feeling!

A situation that hinders the performance of several entrepreneurs is the difficulty of speaking in public, and this characteristic is a fundamental premise for success in any area. In this way, do everything to add it to your resume.

Creating a channel on YouTube is a good suggestion in those hours. The Internet is a technology that brings you closer to people and allows you to exchange information anytime, anywhere.

YouTube makes you closer to people, but indirectly, through video. You may about the issues you master and develop your speaking skills.

5. Do activities that develop your creativity

Many are mistaken in believing that only advertisers, artists, and musicians need to be creative.

You also need creativity to plan a good program of activities on the weekend, for example. And this is not very different from what it means to leave the comfort zone.

This is a skill that requires constant training. Therefore, he performs artistic activities, plays with nephews and children and take more risks. Also, question your routine and the activities you perform daily.

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Is there a more creative way to present at work?

The only way for you to know is to ask yourself, of course!

6. Maintain a good network of contacts

Meeting new people is a great way to get out of your comfort zone. A simple conversation over coffee can start a friendship or even a to open your own business. Therefore, do not be afraid to participate in events, add new contacts and learn about other realities and opinions.

In these hours you can reflect on professionals who have gone through various experiences and think differently. These profiles are always willing to help those who want to get out of their comfort zone, which can be an excellent opportunity to add new knowledge.

On our YouTube channel, we have a series of videos of people who have stepped out of their comfort zones, take a look at the BrenVita story:

VIDEO | BrenVita: the nutritionist who created one of the largest communities in Mexico | Bravo!

7. Experience something new every day

Getting out of the comfort zone is something that requires a daily effort to overcome obstacles. In reality, you will always be challenging yourself and looking for new stimuli in your life. So, pay attention to new experiences, like:

  • Listen to a different musical genre;
  • Take a different route from the one you are used to when going to work;
  • Plan a trip to an unusual destination;
  • Visit a different museum;
  • Eat in a restaurant you don’t know.

These small changes in habits can lead to something bigger, like changing jobs, or create your own business.

8. Do independent activities

Going out with friends and sharing moments with family are activities that show that our lives are not only made up of meetings and trays full of emails. Remember that you should not become too attached to companies.

Certainly, you already stopped taking a trip or going to the movies because you had no one to go with you, right? Many go through these situations because they are ashamed or are used to always having someone.

Also try doing some solo activities. You will see that this time is great for self-knowledge.

9. Share your opinion and accept feedback

If you do not have the habit of exposing your opinion and expressing your feelings, it is time to review your concepts. These activities, despite being simple, are essential to get out of the comfort zone because they require courage, especially when we criticize a boss.

Also be prepared to listen to what others have to say about you and…

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