Online teacher: a new way of acting in the educational market

Surely you have heard of the companies, which have increasingly attracted the attention of people, mainly young people and those who want to own their own business.

When we think about this topic, technology is usually the first word that comes to mind. For this reason, many times, we believe that the professions of the future only refer to jobs such as:

  • Software developer;
  • Creator;
  • big data analyst;
  • And other activities that require in-depth knowledge of technology.

However, did you know that professions considered traditional can also be adapted to the digital market and even be good options for those who want to work on the Internet?

One of those professions is the online teacher, who in addition to teaching face-to-face classes, now manages to expand his teaching scope and even work in virtual classrooms.

If you never thought it was possible, read this post to the end. Today, we are going to explain better who the online teacher is and we will also show you how you can act in the digital market by giving virtual classes.

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Who is the online teacher?

Like traditional teaching, the online or online teacher is a person who has specific knowledge and wants to transmit it to other people by giving classes.

But the big difference here is that, with the virtual ones, the teacher teaches his subjects using resources available through the Internet, that is, without being physically present in a classroom with his students.

Anyone who thinks that the online teacher is just a person who already works giving classes and who teaches subjects such as Spanish, mathematics, physics and geography is deceived.

Of course, if you have this type of training – mainly a bachelor’s degree -, you will probably have much more facilities to teach online.

However, even if you do not have a teaching career as your main source of income, remember that if you have specific knowledge in any area, it is possible to be an online teacher. To do this, you must have something to teach and people who want to know more about the topic you plan to transmit.

What is distance education?

Well known as EAD, it is an online teaching model.

This means that all learning and teaching processes are carried out remotely, with the help of a device that has access to the Internet and several used to facilitate the transmission of content.

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The EAD market has been increasingly sought after not only because of its advantages for students, but also because of the facilities it offers teachers and those who want to act in this niche.

Advantages of being an online teacher

If you have something to teach, but have not yet decided if you really want to teach online, here are the 4 main advantages of being an online teacher. Take a look:

1. Flexible hours and location

One of the advantages of being an online teacher that attracts the most attention of those who want to act in that market is being able to work from wherever and whenever they want.

As your classes will be recorded or available in the form of , you can create your online course within your own home and at the times that you find best.

That way you will have more time to dedicate to other daily tasks and, mainly, you will be able to spend more time with your family, for example.

2. Easier to scale profits

Do you remember that we talked about the online teacher’s class being completely transmitted over the Internet?

This is the reason why you can with more speed and volume than offering classes exclusively in person.

Since you will record your classes and make them available on a , anyone from anywhere in the world can access your content. This means that the effort you will make to deliver your online course to one or a thousand people will be the same.

3. Possibility to teach what you love

Remember how we said you don’t need to be a teacher of a subject traditionally taught in school to be an online teacher?

With this teaching modality, you can teach what you love most, be it a financial math course or classes on dog training, for example.

It all depends on your experience. Therefore, discover what you like to do the most and what you have the most facility to teach, and on this topic.

4. Availability of time to specialize

Thanks to the fact that you can work where and when you want, you have more time available not only to be with your family, but also to specialize.

As you may already know, the market demands more and more knowledge from all of us. Therefore, having time available to study and learn something new is an advantage that you will have in relation to your competitors.

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In addition, you can use this time to learn a new hobby that you never imagined you could learn.

Disadvantages of being an online teacher

As not everything is flowers, it is possible to find some disadvantages of operating in the distance education market.

But you will realize that all the negative points that we will show you can be avoided and overcome with your own effort:

1. Work more than before

Since you will likely be responsible for everything from planning to selling your online classes, you may be working 8+ hours a day to get everything up and running as quickly as possible.

However, it is very likely that this will happen only at first. Over time, you will notice that it will be much easier to plan what you want to cover in your classes and record them to make them available to your students.

In addition, it is also possible to have other people to help you sell your classes, for example. The are great options for someone who wants to create an online course, but has no sales experience.

2. Exit the job market

Many people are afraid of because they believe that it will make them leave the job market.

It is true that you will not have a fixed salary or receive the benefits that you would have in a conventional job.

But when you decide to be an online teacher, even if you don’t work in a school anymore, people will still see you as the main source of knowledge of the subject you are dealing with.

Also, the fact that you work online does not mean that you do not exercise a professional activity. Even, as we said at the beginning of this post, this type of activity has been increasingly considered as an option for several people who are in the traditional job market and want to improve their professional routines.

3. Learn new tools

If you are unfamiliar with the online tools available to create your course, you may need to spend some of your time learning more about these tools.

It is true that you will have to study and try all the resources to see which one is the best for him or her and their students.

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However, gaining more knowledge is never a negative thing. The more new information you learn, the easier it will be for you to use other tools and the more people will notice that you are a .

4. Not having contact with other professionals

When you work with education, you are constantly in contact with other people. This is very important because it allows the exchange of knowledge, which means that you always stay up to date on your market.

One of the downsides of being an online teacher is that by working at home, you can end up isolating yourself from other people. After all, you no longer have to go out somewhere and you don’t have direct contact with your students and other colleagues.

This is the kind of disadvantage that can be very well overcome when you are in contact with other people who also teach online.

In the digital market, we use the word to define this: they are professional contacts that you can make with people who act in your area. The community of online teachers is very large, and you will surely meet people with whom you can share your knowledge and learn more.

How to teach online?

Now that you have understood what an online teacher is and you have realized that anyone who has something to teach can give virtual classes, it is time to learn how to do it.

The 7 main steps to teach online are:

  1. Define the topic you will address;
  2. Identify who your students are to draw a profile of your audience;
  3. Create a course plan focused on your audience and the content you want to cover;
  4. Choose the format of your online classes;
  5. Know how to explain well the content that will be addressed in your online course;
  6. Record and edit your video material;
  7. Make your classes available on the Internet.

Take a look at our Tips and learn how to create and sell online courses:

Are you curious and want to understand how this process works in practice? Read our complete guide that teaches .

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