Types of blog: what exist and how to choose yours?

Today, blogs have become very popular on the Internet and there are different types of blogs on the most varied topics.

There are millions of people around the world who have a blog and share their knowledge, hobbies or content on all kinds of topics through this platform, from cooking recipes and celebrity news to advanced engineering; and the reason is because simply anyone can create a blog, you do not need to invest or be an expert in programming or design to achieve it!

Also, as if that were not enough, having a blog has a lot of advantages that are more attractive every day, such as:

  • It is a space where you can express yourself freely.
  • It is a platform that you can use to .
  • It is a simple and practical way to share your knowledge with other people.
  • You can generate income with your blog.

VIDEO | 5 ways to earn money with a blog and monetize your content | Tips

Another great advantage is that there are different types of blogs and basically you can create one on any topic that you like or are passionate about, such as: a corporate blog, a personal blog or one that covers topics on a specific niche.

If you are thinking of creating a blog but you still have no idea what topics to cover or what approach to give it, you have come to the right place! In this article we will explain the different types of blogs that exist and some tips on how to choose yours.

And if you still don’t know how to create a blog, stop by in which we teach you a step by step to create your blog today.

Prepared? Let’s get started!

blog types

Here are some blog types and examples you can create:

1. Professional blog

A professional blog is a type of blog created with the intention of promoting and developing a person’s professional brand, networking, offering their services, etc.

Any professional can create a blog and create their personal brand, demonstrate their knowledge and take advantage of their passions.

For example, here we have a girl who has developed her personal brand “Yovana Mendoza” and is dedicated to selling e-books on the Internet about food and fitness lifestyle.

Through her blog, Yovana not only promotes each of her digital products but also offers free and valuable content to her readers, such as recipes, exercise routines, tips and recommendations, etc.

2.Personal blog

Personal blogs are also a great way to express yourself and give your opinion on any topic that is of interest to you, since they work as a kind of personal diary.

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Many people create their personal blog to share their opinion on certain topics, talk about their experiences, tell what they do on a day-to-day basis, etc.

For example, you can create a personal blog in which you share all the details about your last vacation, give your opinion about a current event in your area, show which are your favorite stores or brands, etc.

For example, the model and journalist Sara Carbonero has a personal blog called “” in which she basically shares her day-to-day experiences as a professional and as a woman, in addition to putting literary stories, publishing her photos and other types of images.

3. Corporate blog

A corporate blog is a type of blog that seeks to promote a company or some enterprise and that aims to develop the business, talk about interesting topics for the public, give news about the company, etc.

Every day there are more companies that share quality content of interest to their clients through corporate blogs.

But, what is a corporate blog for? Let’s understand this with the following example:

4. Business Blog

This type of blogs, unlike the others, have a more commercial objective, if in the other blogs what is sought is to inform about specific topics, in this blog the aim is to give the greatest amount of information about a set of products and services.

Generally, this type of blog is related to online stores that need to describe the products they sell in a deeper way; however, there are many other physical companies that have also seen many advantages in bringing detailed information about their products to their consumers.

In summary, the objective of commercial blogs is the final sale to the consumer using information such as: detailed descriptions, main benefits, comparison with other products and promotions and discounts to accelerate sales.

5. Blog of a specific niche

A blog of a specific niche is one that does not intend to strengthen the brand of a person or a company, but rather seeks to share topics that interest certain niches.

This type of blog is characterized, many times, by having different authors and guest posts. It is also common for the author(s) to be anonymous. Another common feature is the to generate income.

6. Brand Blog

These blogs are intended to work on branding, whether of a company or a person in question, their objective is to strengthen the brand and create a position on it.

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Some of the companies still do not have this tool, and those that do have it do not use its full potential as a communication tool and as a sales driver.

It is clear that for a brand blog to work, it is necessary to make an initial investment to create and configure it, but then it is a means that helps a lot both to build the branding of a business and to generate conversions.

Some of the advantages that brand blogs provide have to do with greater and better visibility of the brand on the network, representing an official channel for brand news and updates, and obtaining feedback from consumers about the brand.

All these benefits, in the long term, will make you generate more sales and your customers will be more loyal to your brand, improving retention and customer lifetime.

If you still don’t have a defined market niche,!

How to choose the best type of blog for you?

If you’re still not sure what kind of blog to create, we invite you to pay attention to these considerations:

  • Think about the main goal you have with the blog. Looking to promote a company? Do you want to show your personal brand? Do you want to use the blog simply to share your day-to-day experiences? Having this very clear can help you find your way as a blogger.
  • Get inspired! Check the Internet and select those blogs with which you most identify.
  • Try that when selecting the type of blog you feel comfortable and it is truly a space to express everything you want.

Tips for having a good blog

Of course, we can’t finish this post without giving you some tips on how to have a good blog and make your career as a blogger promising and, even, that you can make it profitable in a short time.

Here are some tips for having a good blog:

1. Pay attention to SEO

The is a set of techniques that make sites appear on the Google results page, when someone performs a search.

Suppose you have a blog about vegan recipes. Web positioning techniques (SEO) are useful so that when a person puts words like “vegan recipes” or “vegan sweets” in the search engine, your blog appears among the first results organically.

To do this, you can start with the following:

2. Lean on good design

Design is a very important part when it comes to having a good blog, because with design you can attract readers, show professionalism and be creative with the presentation of your content.

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So another tip that we give you to have a good blog is to accompany it with a good design both on the blog page in general and in each of your entries. For example, you can accompany a post with an infographic, define a color palette for your blog, create a logo, include quality images, etc.

3. Prepare an editorial calendar

An editorial calendar is a good idea to be consistent with your blog posts and increase visits and number of subscribers little by little. There are many tools or applications that allow you (or, if you are a more classic person, you can do it in an Excel sheet or a notebook).

The important thing is that you plan the contents of the blog and fully comply with the calendar, especially if you want to dedicate yourself completely to your career as a blogger or you want to have some economic benefit through the blog.

4. Include content marketing in your strategy

When it comes to having a good blog, content is king; so one thing that cannot be missing from your blog is a solid and well-planned content strategy, since it is what will allow you to attract traffic organically.

Some ways you can implement the on your blog is by constantly publishing quality entries, complementing the content with well-made videos, and even relying on social networks to spread said content.

Other tips that you should take into account to create your content is to understand the interests of your audience well and write texts about it, create eye-catching titles, produce quality texts that have at least 1,000 words, avoid spelling and syntax errors, avoid very long fragments, etc.

Now that you know the different types of blogs that exist and some tips to have a good blog, it’s time to get down to work and start creating your blog today. We know that at first it can be a bit confusing, but with daily work and creativity you will see that little by little your blog begins to take shape and have its own identity.

If you already have a blog but are looking for strategies that allow you to make it profitable, we invite you to read .

Good luck and until next time!

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