4 tips to add value to your digital product |

You hear a lot about “adding value”. The expression is so common that we rarely stop to think about what it is and how, in fact, to achieve it. After all, the added value even justifies the price of a product.

When you buy a shirt from a prestigious brand, for example, you already expect that said product will cost more, but you are not opposed to taking it home. This is because this product has added value and in this case it is the brand itself – yes, the label! Without a doubt, this brand adds a social status to whoever buys it. With your digital product it is no different. When you add value to it, it is easier to sell it at a more significant price, that is, higher.

A book by a renowned author, for example, costs more than that of a debutante. This is because the reputation built throughout the career has supported the writer and the demand for his work is high, even with a more expensive price. The added value of that work, in such a situation, is the authority of the name gained through experience. You must be wondering how to add value to your digital product and get more benefits, right? Calm! Take a look at the following tips:

Invest in an attractive cover

A cover doesn’t have to be just for an e-book. Even if it is an audio, video or any type of digital product, an attractive cover is essential to make the material more professional. In addition to the design, other aspects also have to be taken into account, for example the title, the font used, the color and the size.

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In addition, a sales letter is of great help when making a decision by the client. It should be like the back cover of a book, that is, with some information to help convert the sale, but “without saying everything”.

Add additional materials to your product

There are several types of supplemental materials that can add value to your digital product.

In the case of an e-book, for example, you can offer a free chapter to pique the customer’s interest. But not only that! why not a white paper related to the topic of your digital products to complement the knowledge of who bought it? Take an e-book on corporate finance, for example, which might be accompanied by a white paper about “uncompromising mistakes in your business cash flow.”

These additional materials can also come as an exclusive podcast, an interview with renowned professionals in the field, a video class and various other formats. Study what best complements your material and adds value to your digital product.

Invite a renowned expert to give an exclusive conference for your clients

Use your work network! Get in touch with recognized professionals or with extensive experience, who have additional knowledge to the subject of your digital product. Following our example, you can find a lawyer to give an exclusive conference on the legal bureaucratic issues related to finances. It can also be an accountant, to explain the procedures related to fees and taxes.

It offers a quick consultancy in the field of the digital product developed

If you have the knowledge to develop a digital product on a certain topic, you may also be able to contribute to your client’s business strategies. Use it to your advantage! For the example used above that strategy is ideal. Certainly it is impossible to carry out an in-depth consultancy, even because your time is also worth money. But there are some ways to optimize the process, be it limiting the time of the consultancy or making available an advance form so that you can build a mental map of what is going to be informed.

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Don’t forget that for a strategy to add value to your digital product, your potential customers need to know about it. So make sure you develop promotional materials that highlight this appeal. That information shouldn’t just be on your sales page, but on all affiliate support pieces.

Have you seen how there are several options to add value to your digital product without even having a famous name or brand? Evaluate our tips, check the ones that best fit your digital product and put them into practice now! In addition to charging a higher amount for the material, it will also help you a lot in attracting new buyers!

And do you know another way to add value to digital products? Share it with us through the comments!

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