How to turn off trending searches in Chrome ⇨

Do you find the trending searches feature in Google Chrome annoying? – Here’s how to disable or turn off trending searches in Chrome for desktop and Android. Learn how to turn off trending searches in Chrome

The “Trending Searches” feature on the Google Chrome browser home page on desktop or Android can be annoying and you can turn it off.

If you are looking for a guide to turn off trending searches in Chrome, don’t worry, this guide will help you turn off trending searches.

Google Chrome is quite popular and comes with tons of features to make our daily lives easier. Some features of Chrome can be annoying and trending searches is one of those features that a lot of people hate.

How to turn off trending searches in Chrome

Google Chrome is not a resource hog, and its close connection to the Google ecosystem only serves to further increase the app’s ubiquity. However, it has its share of problems.

Last year, it implemented or rather pushed the new tab groups to its user base without allowing them to opt out.

And now, it seems to be jumping on the intrusion factor once again. You will be bombarded with irrelevant trending search results if you visit the Google home page on your mobile device. Don’t confuse these results with trending search results, which are based on suggestions.

Many people may find this information useful as it will help them stay up to date with the latest events taking place around the world. The ‘Trending Searches’ feature, on the other hand, can be a problem for certain users.

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For example, you keep reading or viewing tech-related content, and all of a sudden, on the Google home page, under “Trending Searches”, you find the term “CBSE class 10 result”, which is not relevant to you .

This is how trending searches are displayed on the desktop version of Google.

These trending results, on the other hand, show up even before you’ve entered a single character in the search bar. So what can be done to prevent Google Chrome homepage from showing trending searches?

However, some solutions have proven to be successful for certain users. And that is exactly what you will learn in this tutorial.

The Trending Search Results section of Google’s Chrome browser can now be turned off from the home page. But according to reports, people who tried to do it before were unsuccessful. However, others have found that turning this feature off, then back on, then back off has worked for them. Later this issue was fixed by Google team.


You can follow the procedures below to test this setting:

Deactivate the function » Result search for trends» in the desk.

  1. Open your Chrome browser and select ‘ Setting’ to start.
  1. In Setting click on the section ‘search settings’ .
  1. “Don’t show popular searches” is the next option, just check it.
  1. Remember, for save it . If you don’t, Chrome may not save your settings.


Deactivate the function » Result search for trends» in Android.

  1. Tap on the hamburger menu located at the top left corner of the Chrome browser.
  1. Then click ‘Setting’ in the menu that appears. Scroll down and into the “Autocomplete with popular searches” section.
  1. “Don’t show popular searches” is the next option, just check it.
  1. Remember, for save it . If you don’t, Chrome may not save your settings.
  2. Once it’s done, wait a few seconds, then closing your Chrome mobile browser to finish.
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Now reload the browser and see if you managed to disable Google Chrome home page trending searches or not!


Google Chrome trending searches are a great way to stay on top of what others are searching for. However, most of the searches are pointless and many of you would want to see only your most recent searches.

You can disable trending searches on your desktop and Android devices by following the instructions above. Other than that, are you a fan of the trending search feature?


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