How to create a blog in WordPress in 2022 –

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We all know that making a good WordPress blog can be a totally wise decision.

There are many tools to create a blog and many of them are free. But if you have the idea of ​​creating a blog in your head, my recommendation is that you do it in wordpress.

If you want to create a profitable blog that generates income and positions in search engines, you have to do it in WordPress.

Unless you take the project as a hobby, creating a blog on free platforms is a bad idea Most of the time; not only because of limitations in design and functionality, but also when it comes to appearing in search engines like Google.

With a free blog it is difficult for you to appear in the first positions of Google.

Now, can you create blogs of all kinds with WordPress?

Of course, with WordPress you can create a blog that fits perfectly with your industry and make it have the features you want.

We are going to see the types of blogs that you can do with WordPress.

types of blogs

There are countless blogs on the internet, more and more.

Everyone has something to say and everyone wants to use this communication channel to generate more traffic or sell more.

There are millions. From cooking channels to a specific job specialty.

A blog opens many doors and generates many opportunities.

The best thing is that everyone can create a profitable, attractive, functional blog that generates traffic and sales.

For this, WordPress is the chosen one. With WordPress you can create all these types of blogs:

  • Personal blogs:

    when the world began bloggingthe idea was to create a space where a person could tell their experiences, their anecdotes or their day to day.

    Nowadays everything has changed a lot and a personal blog can still be, but it would be a mistake not to take advantage of its potential so that it somehow becomes a professional site where you can generate income and potential followers.

    a personal blog is a part of marketing that will support the rest of the tasks within a company.

    Beware: to create a personal blog without pretensions, you will not need to buy a domain, host it on a hosting or install WordPress. With Blogger or Wix you’re fine, but wouldn’t it be worth making that small project a site open to multiple job opportunities?

  • Thematic blogs:

    With WordPress you will be able to create blogs of the theme you want.

    Travel, cooking, animals, movies… Thanks to its template and plugin system, you can adapt your blog to the design and characteristics of the theme you want.

  • Professional blogs:

    Creating a business blog is very interesting since not only can you demonstrate your knowledge of the company’s subject, but it also allows you, if you are able to position your articles in search engines, to obtain a visit to the services you offer or products you sell.

  • Blogging for Ecommerce:

    In the same way as the previous point, creating a blog will mean that if your online store does not have a lot of product rotation, the articles will make the web constantly in motion, being very well seen by Google and other search engines.

    In addition, the posts will allow, just like the professional blog, to derive traffic to the categories or products or directly be able to sell the same thanks to the recommendations and reviews of the products treated in different articles.

  • Informative blogs, newspapers or magazines:

    Creating a system of daily articles is very possible thanks to platforms like WordPress.

    If you want to make it easy, there are templates adapted to create an information and news system.

    Any WordPress template or page builder allows you to do this, but you have to know that there are pre-designed themes with which to create a website with constant content.

  • Niche blog:

    If you want to sell third-party products like Amazon, you can create a niche blog where you can explain through articles, analyses, comparisons of different products to build user confidence and earn commission thanks to affiliate systems.

    Well-crafted niche blogs are an excellent way to start selling products that are not yours and if the project works, you can turn it into an ecommerce platform where you can sell your own products.

As you can see, the possibilities are endless.
Surely the idea you could have of what a blog was has changed!

And it is that, a blog is an incredible way to break through work, professionally and generate income in many ways and for this you can choose the free platforms that exist on the internet but not doing it with WordPress is a mistake as you will see.

Why choose a WordPress blog?

WordPress is the CMS that has grown the most in recent years. Most blogs around the world are built on WordPress.

There are many reasons to choose this CMS and not another, these are some:

  • Enormous variety of templates free and paid to choose from.
  • Possibility of creating spectacular designs in a simple way thanks to the characteristics of the themes and the Gutenberg editor.
  • Possibility to use as a complement page builders with which to create web and blogs in a super simple way thanks to its Drag and drop system (drag and drop).
  • Easy installation: In a few seconds you will have WordPress installed at the click of a button.
  • plugins: there is nothing that you cannot achieve thanks to plugins (additional programs).

    With the plugins you will be able to add contact forms, subscription boxes to your mailing list, icons to share on social networks, create private platforms, create backups of your blog and many more things that make everything quite simple and that your blog be more powerful.

    Everything you need to adapt in your blog, a plugin gives it to you.

  • SEO: WordPress thinks about the positioning of your website, which is why it allows you to easily optimize your website without programming so that Google likes it and comes out in the first positions.
  • Gutenberg blocks: thanks to the appearance of Gutenberg you will be able to create attractive content for the blog thanks to a very easy to use block system.
  • Community: there is a huge community where there are many people developing WordPress sites, template designs and above all a lot of information and support available that will make your life much easier.
  • It does not matter if you are small or large, many use it and it works. From a blogger just starting out to large websites using WordPress to create some pages, it is very versatile and you can use it for different functions, we can say that WordPress goes with everything.
  • You can create a . You can build a responsive web page that can be viewed on mobiles, tablets and any other device, nowadays if you don’t have a responsive web design let’s say you’re out of the game.

If you have already decided on WordPress, I am going to tell you how to choose a domain and hire a hosting to install your blog.

Now, you have decided to create your website with a blog in WordPress and you find that there are two types: and

Which to choose?

Calm down, I’ll tell you. or

Although it may seem to you at first glance that the .com is the one you have to choose to create your blog, it is not. is the free platform that allows you to create your blog without having to pay anything, although this is not the case.

I can guarantee you that in the end this platform that offers WordPress for free is more expensive than opting directly for WordPress org.

The reason is that hosts your website on its servers and gives you a domain that is not friendly at all since it is something similar to your and if you want to opt for your own domain you are already paying.

Another drawback is that if you want to have all the plugins you have to pay an annual fee that is already more expensive than what you would pay to have your own domain on and hire your own hosting or server. does not allow you to optimize the web in your own way, being a big inconvenience when it comes to positioning.

My recommendation is that you directly forget about free platforms including and if you use this, migrate to .org as soon as possible to start having real opportunities for performance on your blog. is the best CMS for creating blogs that work.

If you have it clear, go ahead, I’ll explain how to create a blog with step by step.

Create a blog with WordPress

Creating a blog in this CMS is very simple. A few years ago it was somewhat complex, but today you have your website ready to design in less than 3 minutes and you only need your own domain and hosting to host it.

The first thing you need is , this is essential, it will be the name of your website, it is your business and it must have an attractive, differentiating and easy-to-remember name.

Choosing a good domain name for your blog is key if you really want to have a blog that makes a difference from the beginning.

Choosing a good name can increase visitors to your blog if you have chosen a good keyword and it is well related to your business.

With so many blogs out there, you need to be creative to find a domain name that is not taken and is original.

Do not forget that from you can with the extension that best suits what you are looking for.

For this I leave you some tips to choose a good domain name.

How to choose a good name for your domain

  • The essential
    Let’s start with the essentials that we have to take into account, an ideal domain name should be short (ideally no more than 25 characters), catchy and memorable. He also thinks that it should be easy to pronounce and spell, for example we should avoid names with “ñ”, numbers, hyphens, etc.
  • differentiate yourself
    When we are going to buy a domain, we would have to avoid that it is similar to the domain names of the competition and make sure that we are not violating the registered trademarks. In short, it is better to differentiate yourself and that your domain name is not confused with the competition.
  • The .coms
    The are the most popular and sometimes it can be difficult to find one that is available. In most cases, it is convenient for it to be “.com”, however if you are thinking of selling in a specific country you could think of a specific domain for that country, such as “.es” for Spain or “. mx” for Mexico or “.ar” for Argentina.
  • Visibility vs. Brand
    What is your strategy? If you are only going to depend on traffic from the Google friend. Then you should use keywords and phrases that are related to your business, such as, which are words that people could search for, this increases the ranking in organic searches.
    Now, on the other hand, if your focus is only on sending paid traffic with your ads and campaigns that you do, you will not care much about that, you could place a brand name that people easily remember and make it viral. For example “” has nothing to do with anything…
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