What is a tag and what is it for? – Guides Mautic

Tagging is a marking system that is applied to contacts to identify them and separate them from other contacts that do not meet the conditions that have been established in that tag.

Tags assign a keyword or phrase that describes that contact. The labels, therefore, are going to be very present in the organization system of the contacts. But unlike the segmentsSegment Mautic allows you to create Segments to filter your Contacts (Leads) based on many criteria such as visited URLs, tags, campaigns, etc.tags cannot be used to start a campaign.

Each of the contacts can have different labels, and also those assigned labels can vary depending on the interaction they make on the web.

You can view, edit, clone or delete tags by entering from the Mautic menu on the left side of the screen.

Once you access, Mautic shows you the list of tags and allows you to display the options to edit, clone or delete that tag. It also tells you how many users the tag is assigned to and by clicking on the icon with the number of users, it shows you on the screen the list of contacts that are associated with that tag.

Supplemental Label Training

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Here is the link to the lesson that explains tags:

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