Add image as background image in footer


I would like to replace the background color of my footer with a background image as I have done in the header of my ot_ceramic template.

I have had no problems with the header image because there was already a background image in the original template and what I did was create my background image with the same measurements and name as the one in the template.

But in the case of the footer in the code it had: background-image: none; and I don’t know how to know the measurements of that area to create my image and also when trying to copy from the code
of the header image (attached css footer image) and upload my image imgpie.jpg to the same images folder as the header image, what I get is a curved line that is not the image that I indicated to place. You can see it in

In conclusion, I need to know: the measurements of the entire area of ​​the footer and what I am doing wrong so that when I try to upload my image, that curved line appears as the bottom of the footer. Thanks.

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Answered: 04/16/2013 6:00 pm

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