All about : Know absolutely everything about our platform

Managing a digital business is like managing a traditional company and, to be honest, that is not a very easy task, right? Imagine if you had to know about codes, programming, planning, marketing, looking for commercial alliances and, in addition, worrying about connecting everything to make your business grow.

Or worse, imagine if you had to pay for various external tools to solve all of that? With , this task becomes much easier, because you can do it all on a single platform. And that is a great advantage both for those who already have experience and for those who do not yet have such specific knowledge about the digital market.

is the largest and most complete distance education platform in Latin America.

It has more than 150 thousand registered products, 7 million students and sales made in more than 188 countries.

More than that, provides a simple and practical space for those who want to create or promote a digital product and allows anyone to show the world the best it has to offer.

It is a fully integrated platform with the best solutions to scale any digital business. All this without monthly payments or membership fee, only for a percentage when there are sales.

How does work?

At there are three points in the sales process: the Producer, the Affiliate and the final buyer.

  1. Imagine that you have great knowledge about a certain topic and you develop a product, an online course for example, to share this knowledge with other people.
  2. You can sell directly to buyers who are interested in your niche. Or you can have Affiliates, who are well-connected, sales-savvy people who help you sell your product to a variety of buyers.
  3. The consumer who is looking for knowledge in the area in which you decided to act, can buy the Product directly from you or from the Affiliate who will receive commissions, automatically attributed through our tracking links for Affiliates.

Learn a little more about digital products

Digital products are materials produced and distributed digitally, that is, in the online medium. For example, ebooks, videos and softwares.

By not relying on elaborate logistics and physical delivery, digital products are less likely to encounter geographic barriers. Therefore, they are easier to scale.

For buyers, digital content is also very advantageous. Knowledge becomes more accessible and practical, both in terms of price and flexibility, since it is possible to choose the best time and place to consume it.

Do you want to know more about the innumerable possibilities offered by the digital market? Read this post that explains in detail

Currently, in , several types of digital content can be marketed:

  • Ebooks in PDF or EPUB;
  • Various documents (.doc,.rtf), audiobooks, podcasts and music (mp3, wma);
  • video classes;
  • Conferences and screencasts (MPEG, FLV, MOV, WMV);
  • Software (.exe,.msi);
  • Images;
  • Scripts and other file formats that can be downloaded over the Internet.
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What it takes to be a Digital Producer

Anyone who has some skill or great knowledge on a subject that can be taught can be a Digital Producer.

That means that if you are a chef, for example, you can teach people from all over the world to cook through an online course.

The seamstress, who is knowledgeable about clothing, can create materials to teach small alterations and earn extra income with this new skill.

A digital influencer can use his skills to conquer followers or his experience in commercial alliances with brands to make an ebook on the subject.

A youtuber, who already has a facility for recording videos, can create courses that teach from losing the shyness to record to video editing.

Dresses? In the digital marketplace, the possibilities are endless! And if you want to get started, a good way to do it is to think of something you do that people around you always ask you to teach them. Find out in which subject you are a reference for others.

12 reasons to be a Producer at

Now that you know how a Digital Producer works, find out about some of the benefits of being a Producer at :

  1. You don’t have to worry about storing the product on the Internet. gives you all the necessary infrastructure to store your product with all possible security.
  2. We process all your sales, that is, you do not have to worry about processing payments or verifying if the payment made by the buyer was confirmed or not. We will take care of that for you.
  3. We have one exclusive solution to process online paymentseven international payments – throughout this post we will tell you a little more about all that.
  4. automatically delivers the product to your customer as soon as our system identifies that the payment has been confirmed.
  5. We guarantee you and the client the reliability of the transaction. There is no risk that the product will not be delivered after a purchase has been successfully made. And there is no risk that the customer will receive your product if their payment has not been confirmed.
  6. You will be able to start selling your product immediately through your direct sales link or the sales page.
  7. You can customize the entire product page simply and quickly. automatically originates this page for each product you list.
  8. The platform offers solutions that help promote your product, as well as sales strategies.
  9. provides you with reports so you can analyze your sales and actions.
  10. You can count on other professionals to reach more people and increase the chances of selling more, activating the Affiliate Program.
  11. Don’t worry, you won’t have to manage your Affiliates! will process the distribution of the commissions immediately. For each sale made, the Producer and Affiliate commissions are deposited into their accounts!
  12. Your account is FREE. There is no investment to start, no monthly payments and there are no limits or restrictions on use. Just like you and your Affiliates, will receive a small commission for each sale, but!
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How is the work of the Affiliates

When Producers make their digital products available on the platform, they can count on the help of Affiliates to increase turnover. In exchange, they offer them commissions for the sales made. The platform guarantees the security of these operations through traceable links.

The Affiliate program unites Producers and Affiliates in one great virtual business. In the end, both win, since the profitability of one is also the profitability of the other.

The Affiliate’s work works like that of a seller, whose contact with the customer is only virtual. Therefore, in addition to trying to sell a product, the Affiliate must convey an image of credibility and trust to customers to win them over.

Affiliates often have an innovative vision and need to constantly study the market in which they operate in order to use the Internet to their advantage and improve their performance. At the end of the day, they bill by disclosing links to digital products on the Internet.

Trackable links: They are the links that originates and that allow Producers and Affiliates to advertise the products available on the platform and, consequently, receive their commissions. Generally, these links, when disclosed, take the interested customer to the product sales page.

Being an Affiliate in has several advantages, such as:

  • You don’t need to have your own product to start selling;
  • You do not need to have a website beforehand (although it is highly recommended), because you can promote the product in other media, such as social networks or blogs, for example;
  • automatically processes all sales commissions at the time of sale. Therefore, except for the cases provided for in the Terms of Use, there is no risk that you will not receive the commission for a sale made;
  • Affiliates can choose from thousands of products, from different niches, to affiliate with.

If you don’t have a product, becoming an Affiliate is the fastest way to start getting results.

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More reasons for Producers and Affiliates to choose

Because we offer tools created to automate the publication, distribution and payment processes, our Producers and Affiliates are able to focus on what really matters: developing a quality product or promoting it and creating closer relationships with their customers.

Follow the evolution of your business in the palm of your hand

With the Sparkle app, Producers and Affiliates can keep track of all their business information:

  • Buyer information.
  • Number of sales and income.
  • Reports and graphs that show performance.
  • Sales information segmented according to the chosen filters.
  • Approve or disapprove co-productions and affiliations.
  • Visualize the conquests of associated users within the platform.
  • Consult sales links of the products you sell as a Producer or Affiliate

Do you remember that we told you about the Exclusive Payment System? Well, it’s time to talk a little about what it offers you.

  • It is integrated with the entire platform
  • It is developed to meet the specificities of the digital market
  • Sales available in 13 currencies
  • Exclusive anti-fraud system
  • It is capable of performing thousands of transactions simultaneously with high performance
  • Already made sales to more than 188 countries

With millions of transactions made around the world, our payment system was specifically designed to serve the digital market and to increase conversions from Digital Producers in a very secure way.

By using the payment system, you offer various payment options to your customers and enhance your chances of selling:

  • Credit card
  • Online Debit
  • Payment request
  • PayPal
  • SamsungPay
  • GooglePay

Calm down, we’re not done yet!

Our payment system offers countless possibilities to make your business a success!

Payment with 2 cards

Offering this option increases your chances of selling, since it minimizes the chances that a buyer will give up the product due to lack of credit limit.

subscription plans

The Payment System allows Producers to create products that can use a recurring payment system, such as Subscriptions. With this system, buyers pay to have access to the product for a specific period and can renew the access for as long as they want.

For Producers, this business model is interesting as it allows recurring income and predictable performance of their products.

Product Evaluation Period – Trial

Subscription products give buyers the right to try…

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