All the men of the president… of Iberdrola

Iberdrola has just incorporated the former head of Spanish spies, the former director of the National Intelligence Center, Félix Sanz Roldán, into its international advisory committee.

Sanz will not be an employee of the energy company, but will advise its president, Ignacio Sánchez Galán on international affairs, but his signing has raised blisters as it coincides with the partial opening of the Villarejo case in which the work of the former commissioner is being investigated for the electric company, among them, the question “Posy project” to spy on Florentino Pérez.

Together with the military veteran, Ernesto Zedillo, who was president of Mexico from December 1, 1994 to November 30, 2000, is part of this advisory council, the last of the uninterrupted line of 71 years of presidents of the Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI).

Joschka Fischer was Federal Vice Chancellor of Germany with the Greens. In 2007, Fischer founded a political consulting firm called Joschka Fischer Consulting, which he continues to do. In addition, he is a founding member of the think tank European Council on Foreign Relations, along with other characters such as Martti Ahtisaari, Emma Bonino or George Soros.

Jonhattan Hill, a member of the Conservative Party, was Commissioner for Capital Markets between September 2014 and June 25, 2016, one day after the results of the Brexit Referendum were known.

Laurence Tubiana. Former general director of the European Climate Foundation, she is also part of this council in full offensive of the electric company in France. Tubiana was appointed special representative of the French government to the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) by Laurent Fabius, then foreign minister. Then, on June 3, 2014, she was the ambassador in charge of climate change negotiations for the 2015 conference.?

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Ken Salazar was the United States Secretary of the Interior from 2009 to 2013 during the Obama Administration. A member of the Democratic Party, Salazar was a senator for the State of Colorado between 2005 and 2009, being, along with Republican Mel Martínez, one of the first Hispanic senators since 1977.? Prior to his election as senator, Salazar was Colorado’s attorney general.

And finally, Ramón de Miguel, who was appointed Secretary of State for Foreign Policy and European Affairs in May 1996, a position in which he remained until April 2004. From September of that year to September 2013, he worked at Iberdrola as advisor for international affairs to the President and has held the positions of President of Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción and Corporate Director of International Coordination. He is now also an adviser to Llorente and Cuenca.

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