These are the minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment: this is how its amount is calculated in 2022

The change of year implies changes in the amounts of social benefits: pensions, Minimum Vital Income… and also unemployment benefits. The most paid of the latter, unemployment, is also affected by a rise that will modify both its minimum amounts and its maximum amounts for 2022.

The reason is the increase in the IPREM (Public Indicator of Income for Multiple Effects) of a . The IPREM is an index that is taken into account to calculate the amounts of public benefits, it serves as a scale for access to certain social assistance… and, in short, it is used as a reference value in the care plan.

Thus, the IPREM is used to determine the amounts of some benefits of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) such as unemployment subsidies or Active Insertion Income, and in the case of unemployment it is taken as a value to calculate its minimum amounts and maxims.

These minimum maximum amounts depend on the family situation of the unemployed person and may give rise to higher amounts if they have family responsibilities (dependent minors). With the rise of the IPREM, the minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment are as follows:

-In general, the minimum amount of unemployment is 80% of the IPREM increased by one sixth: 540.41 euros per month.

-For people with children, the minimum amount of unemployment is 107% of the IPREM increased by one sixth: 722.80 euros per month.

-In general, the maximum amount of unemployment is 175% of the IPREM increased by one sixth: 1,182.16 euros per month.

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-For people with a child, the maximum amount of unemployment is 200% of the IPREM increased by one sixth: 1,351.04 euros per month.

-For people with two or more children, the maximum amount of unemployment is 225% of the IPREM increased by one sixth: 1,519.92 euros per month.

How the amount of unemployment is calculated

These values ​​are the minimum and maximum amounts that unemployment can have, but for each specific case the amount will be different. These are only the limits within which the benefit can be moved, which according to the SEPE must be 70% of the worker’s regulatory base for the first six months and subsequently 50% of the regulatory base until the end of the payment. of the benefit.

the regulatory base that is taken into account to calculate the amount of unemployment is the result of the average of the “Social Security contribution bases for professional contingencies, during the last 180 days of contributions, without taking into account overtime” .

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