
Apache is the world’s most widespread web server, majority across all Internet hosts and published domains. Currently, the 70% of web servers around the world work under the Apache platform. Although his market share has been declining in recent years, he is still the king in his field.

It is a free software project, created and maintained by the community and managed by the Apache Foundation, a non-profit organization responsible for a huge number of projects, among which this HTTP server stands out.

Apache is cross platform and it is available on Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac, although on production servers it is usually installed on top of Linux. It is free and Open Source. With Apache you can serve static sites, but it also has modules to support multiple languages, such as Perl, Python or PHP, the most popular. In fact, Apache and PHP are two of the pieces of the most widely used server technology stack: LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).

It has the largest number of configuration options among all servers and is capable of adapting to most situations and is extensible through modules. There are modules of all kinds, which allow to extend support to multiple functionalities and technologies, in addition to languages, there is the possibility of using SSL, URL rewriting, modules to improve security, etc.

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