Can you have a barbecue on a balcony, terrace or interior patio? The problem is with the neighbors

With the arrival of good weather it is common to see an increase in the frequency of barbecues in gardens and spaces enabled for it. However, and despite the fact that not everyone has enough surface to gather a good group of people outdoors, there is also an increase in barbecues in homes taking advantage of terraces, balconies or interior patios. A fact that generates many doubts about its legality in order to avoid bad odors or even fires.

The different supermarkets always sell products according to the needs and demands of their users. Thus, in recent months, portable and small in size that are ideal for installing in almost any corner of the house.

But, is it legal to make this type of food if you do not have a garden, a roof terrace or a space enabled for it? A difficult issue on which there is no specific state regulation and very few or almost no local ones, leaving a legal vacuum that does allow barbecues to be held in any house, whatever its condition.

The key to the legal vacuum is in the Horizontal Property Law

Since homes are private spaces, no one can prevent a person from carrying out a type of cooking inside. However, from the different institutions they always remember that you should bother as little as possible, so this is where the neighborhood communities come in.

Since having a barbecue generates strong odours, a lot of smoke and even noise, before having one on a terrace, balcony or interior patio, you should consult the surrounding neighborhood. “The owner and the occupant of the apartment or premises are not allowed to carry out activities in it or in the rest of the property that are prohibited in the statutes, that are harmful to the property or that contravene the general provisions on annoying, unhealthy, harmful, dangerous activities. or illicit”, states article 7.2 of the .

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Therefore, it is best to ask the community of neighbors for permission if you want to have a barbecue indoors and thus avoid future legal actions. In addition, for these activities, there are more and more barbecue instruments that eliminate odors and smoke as much as possible.

In charcoal or electric models, most barbecues have systems to avoid bad smoke

Both charcoal and electric, both types of barbecues already have modalities where by different systems they prevent the fat from coming into contact with the heat, which ends up generating the unpleasant smoke of these kitchens. With this, the different companies specializing in these products are bringing out smaller and more portable barbecues to facilitate these tasks and generate as little conflict as possible with the neighbours.

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