Club: everything about the Members Area

Just as important as creating the right content for your audience is having a members area that helps you:

  • Deliver the digital materials in an automated way;
  • Control the number of accesses;
  • Closely monitor student progress;
  • Constantly improve content;
  • Answer students’ questions.

Are you missing a solution like this to start your digital business? Find out how Club, ‘s member area, has all the tools you need.

What is Club?

Members Area: How it works and what you can do with it | Q&A #42

This is ‘s virtual space to host your content and offer it to your students.

Do you know when a person buys your course and receives the access data to the classes? Well, precisely, you will enter the members area!

The idea is that it is an environment that provides the best possible experience for students and that has resources so that you can track their performance, as well as create materials, and much more.

What advantages does Club have?

The first is that you only pay when you sell. On the other hand, using it is very easy! This means that you do not need technical knowledge or a team to host your content, but rather you have autonomy to work on your own.

That’s right, everything ready to sell in a few clicks! And there are still more:

1. Own Video Player

Offer your students the best experience using the Video Player for your video classes. In addition to being a complete streaming solution, the Video Player has:

  • Anti-fraud system to guarantee the security of your content.
  • Offline content delivery for your students through the Sparkle app. In this way, your students can see your classes anytime, anywhere.
  • Possibility of introducing automatic translation and subtitles in various languages. If you work with EAD, you can sell your course anywhere in the world!
  • Possibility of customizing the layout, which allows you to leave your Members Area with the colors of your brand, use the logo of your product, and many more possibilities. In this way, you ensure that the buyer immediately identifies that the course is yours, which contributes to increasing the reliability of your product and, consequently, reducing refund requests.
  • Possibility of entering notes, both for the Producer and for the student.


2. Own payment solution

With sales in more than 188 countries, has a payment system exclusively developed for the digital products market, which is integrated into the EAD platform.

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By using the payment system, you have the possibility to sell in more than 12 currencies, offer various payment methods (credit card, bank slip, purchase with two cards) and local payment methods (specific forms of a country or region). .

3.Content dripping

The term Content Dripping is what can be found on some marketing websites such as Content Dripping. An example of content dripping is a Producer who releases their content, but leaves some modules “closed” or hidden for up to seven days after purchase.


4. Sell again to those who are already your students

In the Members Area, you will find solutions that give you the opportunity to sell again to someone who is already your student. This means that you can offer another product or extra content to those who already trust you because they have bought from you before.

To facilitate this sale even more, the student can buy with just one click in the same study environment. And the best thing about this is that you do not have to pay anything to make this type of ad.


5. Free registration

Another interesting feature of Club is the free registration. Using this resource, you can offer part of your content for free to leads that have already shown interest in your offer.

You can create a campaign in Adwords or Facebook notifying that you will release some modules of the course for those who register through that link.

When the person signs up, they receive an email with access to your Members Area. When you enter the EAD course you will be able to view all the available classes, but you will only have access to those that you have previously determined.

If after watching the free videos the user decides to buy the full course, they can do so in the Members Area itself.

The process has been designed to prevent the person from having to leave the page and, along the way, forgetting the main objective, which is to make the purchase.


6. Quiz

Quiz is a fundamental tool in EAD courses to evaluate the progress of your students in each module, having the possibility of defining a minimum grade in percentage.

In addition to evaluating your students, you will have the opportunity to know which are the topics that generate the most doubts for your students and it may be the opportunity to create strategic questions and draw the profile of your buyers.

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7. Assignment of functions

Through this functionality, you determine the users who can intervene in your Members Area, but without having access to the billing data of your account.

For example, you can distribute functions among the people in your team when necessary.

8. Certification

VIDEO | How to offer my course certificate to my students | Help Center

All EAD courses offered at Club have the option of certification. It is enough for the Producer to configure this functionality when offering the content.

This tool is interesting for the student whose employer has required him to take the course, or for those who want to improve their resume to achieve better positions in the market.


Who can use Club?

All the world! From the moment you create your product and make the first sales, your buyers have access to the Members Area to start studying.

Do I have to pay to use Club?

You can use Club at no cost. At , you pay a fee only when you make a sale or activate the Video Player.

How does Club work?

Don’t worry about complex integrations that depend on other people. Our Members Area is fully integrated to the platform and to our Payment System. Therefore, you manage your content to your liking!

Club has various solutions that will help you better understand student behavior, refine content, as well as increase productivity and sales opportunities.

You should use a members area if:

  • Your online course contains video classes, screencasts, supplementary materials, audio or other more complex file formats;
  • Your content is divided into modules or classes and you want to manage how and when your students will have access to them;
  • You need to observe the learning process of your students to improve the content;
  • You would like to make available a space for discussion and exchange of feedback on each class;
  • You think about creating evaluations;
  • You need to generate leads for your business with free modules.

How to host content in the Members Area

Registering your content in Club is very easy:

  1. Click on Products and then in I am a producer
  2. Select the product you want to configure
  3. go to Club Access
  4. In the left side menu, click Contents
  5. Clever! Now add and configure the modules and classes
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I bought a course that is hosted in the Members Area. What I do?

When you buy a course at , you automatically receive an email to activate your account and create a password, a very simple process.

By doing so, you will go to the page where you have the content of the product available. You will also receive an email with the link to access the course and the email and password you used to log in.

Do not forget to save that email in your favorites so as not to lose your access data.

VIDEO | How to see the classes of a course that I bought | Help Center

What is the relationship between Club and Club Sales, free ads?

Club Sales is ‘s solution to advertise other products between classes, without paying anything extra. That is, you can increase your chances of selling without investing in ads!

For example, if you have more than one course, you can offer it to your students at different times during the class.

Thus, you help them expand their knowledge, while increasing the conversions of your business.

Here is a very simple step by step to add an announcement of your course:

  1. In the side menu, go to Products
  2. Click on I am a producer and choose the product you want
  3. click on Club Access
  4. In Members Areaselect the menu Contents
  5. in the option Adadd the data of the ad you want to make (name, product, description, files)
  6. Click on Save

don’t forget about Post for the offer to appear to your students.

VIDEO | How to set up an ad in the Members Area | Help Center

Do you want to know more about Club and its tools?

In Help Center, our YouTube channel, you will find various content that shows tools and solutions and how to configure them.

To find out more, click the button below:

This post was originally written in July 2017 and updated to provide more complete and accurate information.

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