Content management: everything you need to know about this strategy

When it comes to , the application of strategies is very important to obtain good results and, without a doubt, the first thing to put into practice is planning. Did you know that planning and managing the content of your business well can make all the difference for your audience?

You may have never heard of content management, but if you work with digital marketing, you surely know that this strategy is a great ally of the and that can greatly improve the performance of your company.

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With this type of management, in addition to creating, storing and measuring all the content of your business, you optimize your production, reduce costs and improve the quality of your posts..

In this way, you will not only attract more qualified leads for your company, but you will also retain them, since you will always be delivering rich and valuable materials, according to the stage of the funnel where they are.

Have you been interested in the topic and want to know how to do content management for your business? Continue reading the post, because we are going to tell you everything!

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What is content management?

Content management is one of the to optimize the entire process related to content production: planning, creation, review, publication, dissemination and measurement of results.

When we think that content is one of the most important pillars to nurture and retain customers, we often only consider the production of the content itself, without taking into account that it is exclusively a stage of the strategy.

If you already produce or want to produce content for your audience, it is precisely content management that will organize and optimize the entire production process of materials for your business.

With content management you will be able to better structure the internal processes of your company, create consistency and more easily observe which actions are working and which ones need improvement.

To do good content management, it is necessary to pay attention to some stages that are essential for everything to go well. If you still don’t know what they are, keep reading, we’ll tell you:

1. initiation

It is the first stage of the process, when the idea of ​​producing a campaign or content arises. It is here where you will make the first both to understand if your idea is applicable and to know what your competition is doing.

Analyze the actions of your competitors, not to copy, but to know how they are positioning themselves in this market and what their main mistakes and successes are! This way you can think of strategies that deliver what the public does not yet have.

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2. Planning

Once the research is done, it is time to plan and detail all the steps and aspects that your campaign will have.

How long will the project last? What is the overall goal? And the specific objectives? What will my publication dates be? Am I going to do everything alone or distribute the tasks among my team? Those are examples of the questions you should ask yourself yes or yes at this stage!

Put all the necessary actions on the radar and take note of them! Objectives, duration, dates, creation methods, execution tools, means of dissemination, people involved… All these aspects are important to structure a .

3. Execution

After the planning comes the execution, that is, that moment when you take everything off the paper and put it into practice. It is at this stage that the actual production occurs, but don’t think that this topic is reduced to just that.

This is the ideal phase to test and monitor production, to identify what is working well and also possible failures: adjust your process to make it even better.

4. Monitoring

Do you remember stages 1 and 2, research and planning? You will need to recover them to monitor your project.

What were the metrics you established? Does everything work according to your forecast? Is the result being satisfactory? This is the time to analyze the expectation versus reality and collect data on the return your campaign is giving.

5. Close

As any good process should be, here you will also have a beginning, a middle and an end. It’s time to finalize your project and record what happened in the course of it.

Taking note of everything, you will be able to take stock of your mistakes and successes, and even if you identify more of the former than of the latter, don’t be discouraged! This data will serve as the basis for creating new strategies and continuing to optimize your business.

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What is content management for?

In a well synthesized way, content management serves to organize the development of the process that surrounds a content (from its birth until it is released), because, with the rise of the internet and the everyone consumes content in different formats: ebooks, blog articles, infographics, images, videos and podcasts.

Although you may be imagining that content management is all about written production, make no mistake! Management can — and should — be applied to all content formats, especially digital ones.

Among the many possibilities that content management can offer, we are going to highlight the main ones here:

  • Plan content in advance;
  • Create an editorial calendar and schedule posts;
  • Maintain consistency and frequency of posts;
  • Produce content in different formats;
  • Test and correct the contents;
  • Avoid the unnecessary production of content that has already been addressed;
  • Disseminate on various channels and platforms;
  • Measure the results.
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There are many benefits, right?

Now observe: if you apply all these actions and manage your production well, you boost your business, prospect more clients and increase conversion. all advantages, right?

Why is it important to do content management for your business?

Because if you apply dissemination strategies in your business (such as the use of the blog or social networks), you cannot stop managing your content.

If you write blog posts, make Instagram posts, and also upload videos to your YouTube channel, you have to worry about keeping all your content aligned. And this is precisely the task of content management.

With content management, you will be able to keep all your content always consistent with the objective of your business. In addition to making sure that all the material is connected to each other, you receive more insights to produce other related content.

A business that demonstrates good content management tends to become a in the market, because it presents a consistent profile for the public, who come to consult it when they want to know about a certain subject.

How to do your content management?

If you’ve come this far, it’s a sign that you’ve realized the importance of applying content management to your business, right?

Well, now is the time to put into action everything you have read and start managing your content.

But, if you still have doubts about how to implement this strategy in your business, we have prepared a step-by-step guide with 11 actions to help you. Let’s go?

1. Research

Do you remember when we listed the five fundamental stages of content management? In the first of them, the initiation, we highlight research as the first step to be taken to make a suitable strategy.

When you have the idea of ​​the content you intend to produce, do some research on the market, your competitors and your target audience. The more information you have about what has to do with your business and your project, the better.

Also use search engines, such as Google. When you query, you’ll be able to filter what people are offering and what they’re interested in about that topic, so you can present something new to your audience.

2. Define the buyer person

A very important step in content management, and in digital marketing as a whole, is the definition of the buyer persona. To create good content, it is essential to know — and to know as well as possible — who is going to consume it.

Being much more specific than the concept of “target audience”, (also called “avatar”), It is the representation of your ideal client. To create it, never rely on subjective opinions.

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Imagine creating vegan content for a client who runs a network of grills. You’ll agree… It’s not going to work out.

For this reason, when creating your buyer persona, it is essential that you analyze data such as gender, age, profession, geographical location, consumption habits, lifestyle and hobbies. In addition, it is always valid to understand what pain that person has, and what problems they seek to solve.

And the only way to produce valuable content for that client is… Knowing him well! So, do your research and start building your ideal customer profile. In the event that you already have an online audience, you can use real data about that audience, and for that, use tools such as for instance.

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3. Plan

Once you have done the first research and defined your buyer persona, start planning your content management. As we said before, planning is a key part of the strategy and will serve as a parameter to measure your results.

The first step is to define your goals, which must be clear and achievable. You can think of a general objective, such as increasing the number of sales, for example, and then continue with other specific objectives, which will be worked on in line with the general objective, such as, for example, expanding the lead base, achieving greater commitment from your public and strengthen your .

Do an analysis of how much content you can produce from the same topic. Does your audience consume more written or audiovisual content? What can you take advantage of in common for each format? What would you put different?

Guide the duration of your project, the dates of completion and the people responsible for the delivery of each task. Remember: management does not only include content, it is also necessary to plan what you want your team members to develop.

4. Create an editorial calendar

Trust me, he it can be your greatest ally within the content management strategy, because this is where you will gather all your publication planning.

With a well done calendar, you will be able to have a macro vision of your strategies, control all the necessary actions and, consequently, you will also organize your time better.

The calendar is a very useful tool, but you need to put the correct and clear information for it to work well. So always try…

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