DBeaver analysis

Analysis of DBeaver software, a cross-platform graphical interface tool to manage all types of databases.

One of the most common types of tools for backend development is the one that allows us to manage databases through graphical interface. I’m sure you’ve used one in the past, even if it’s web-based like the popular PhpMyAdmin.

In this article we are going to analyze DBeaver, which has several features that make it very suitable for all types of developers.

What is DBeaver

DBeaver is a free and cross-platform tool to work with the databases. supports all databases you can imagine like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, MS Access, SQLite and many other less popular ones.

Its power and number of features make it ideal for developers, but also for most demanding database administrators. Perhaps this virtue can also be one of its main defects, since it is more complex to use than other tools that we have used before.

It is important to note that DBeaver is versioned in various distributions, only one of which is free, its “Community” version. There are other paid alternatives such as the “Enterprise Edition”, which logically offers some additional features.

We have installers for Windows, Linux and Macas well as a plugin for Eclipse, which we can install to provide the IDE with extra functionalities to manage the databases without leaving the program.

In fact, since we are talking about Eclipse, it can be said that DBeaver itself is based on the Eclipse IDE, that is, it is like software built on top of Eclipse. Only that you can install it standalone and without having Eclipse in your operating system.

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From here you can get the “Community Edition” or the trial of the “Enterprise Edition”.

What can we expect from DBeaver

In addition to the cross-platform and multi-system-manager features that we have already discussed, DBeaver has a number of quite complete functionalities. Some of the following would be what we can typically get in database management systems.

  • Connection with local databases and remote databases through SSH tunnels
  • Access to data with the possibility of filtering and ordering
  • Modification of the data
  • SQL editor
  • Import and export of databases

Some additional features that we do not always find in all these database administration programs would be:

  • Optional transactions (allows you to make multiple “temporary” changes to the database and save them all at once using transactions)
  • Task management and background tasks
  • Generation of automatic entity relationship diagrams
  • Database monitoring

The only bad part is that not all the features are available in the free version. In my case I have tried and I have been using the Enterprise version.

DBeaver’s Opinion

It is a very powerful program and a database administration alternative ideal for people with experience relatively comprehensive on databases, because it offers many advanced features.

Database administrators will be delighted with the number of options it gives us, since it is not just an alternative to explore the tables and their data, but goes much further.

If you’re an inexperienced developer who simply needs to access the data, to keep up with how the information is being stored from your backend code, perhaps DBeaver will be a little too big for you. I would not advise against it for this reason, but rather I warn that the learning curve for day-to-day use of the program will be more complex than for other software that we have already analyzed.

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DBeaver has some interesting features that we haven’t seen before, some as simple as marking the different database connections with colors, depending on whether they are connections to development or production instances. Or the possibility of connecting to databases in read-only mode, which ensures that we don’t screw up when manipulating the tables.

yes it’s true that sometimes the amount of options and functionality is a bit bewildering and they do take a while to get used to using DBeaver. For example, by handling transactions when modifying the data. Until you understand that, no matter how much you modify the tables, the data is only saved when you execute the transaction, the truth is that you go a little crazy.

Sometimes the number of small icons with options is a bit misleading and it is difficult to find what you are looking for. Nevertheless, With a little time you find yourself more comfortable with the program.

I think it is software to take into account and a excellent alternative within the options available for database administration. You can tell that it has a development team that is very on top of it, generating useful features and publishing new and improved versions very regularly.

If you are looking for a database administration program I would recommend that you try and evaluate it. to see if it is the option that suits your needs. You find all the information on its official page: .

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