Different rates for the same country


We have updated the prices of shipping costs through the web. We have encountered a problem with purchases made in the Canary Islands, since the costs rise a little more.

In Virtuemart -> Configuration -> Countries, Spain appears with all the provinces. And already in Virtuemart -> shipping methods, the characteristics of the different shipments are configured. In this configuration, the countries are chosen. Therefore, if you choose Spain, all the provinces are included. We have tried to add a new country (Spain Canary Islands), which only includes the provinces of the Canary Islands, but when the form is filled out to make the purchase and you have to choose the country, Spain and Spain Canary Islands appear, so it may cause a problem for buyers.

And of course, depending on the country you choose, some shipping rates or others are automatically applied to the final price.

How could it be done? How can we add shipping costs for the Canary Islands?

Thank you,

All the best.


Answered: 02/20/2020 10:53 am

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