Do you have the same sweat problem as David Broncano? These are the treatments to solve hyperhidrosis

Excessive hand sweat can cause a significant lack of confidence in people at a key moment such as O in a journalistic interview, as happened to the television presenter David Broncano, and he did it by the hand of the Coruña surgeon Diego González Rivas, who does One month he went to the La Resistencia program and offered the comedian to operate on his nervous system to fix his perspiration.

The Sweat Clinic, in Lisbon, explains that hyperhidrosis occurs due to hyperstimulation by a ganglion in the sympathetic nerve of the eccrine sweat glands. These glands are all over the skin, but are found in greater numbers on the palms, soles, armpits, or forehead.

These glands and the sympathetic nervous system are in charge of regulating body temperature and therefore, when they identify heat, they produce sweat to lower the temperature. However, this clinic emphasizes that hyperhidrosis is actually a health problem. “Many attribute profuse sweating to psychological problems or anxiety, when in reality there is a real and perfectly treatable cause for this condition,” explains the clinic that has operated on Broncano. And that proposes three solutions:

Permanent solution with reversible surgery for palmar hyperhidrosis

It consists of inserting a titanium clip to isolate the ganglion of the sympathetic nervous system responsible for the production of sweat in the region affected by hyperhidrosis. “By ceasing the random impulses, the excessive production of sweat also,” explains the clinic. In addition, it ensures that compensatory sweating (presenting sweat in another region of the body) only affects less than 3% of the cases treated. In that case, the titanium clip could be removed. The truth is, this surgical intervention is very minimally invasive.

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Permanent microwave solution for axillary hyperhidrosis

This solution is done through the MiraDry® device, which uses electromagnetic microwaves to vaporize and remove eccrine and apocrine sweat glands from the armpits. “The microwave application is safe, there are no reports of side effects and it is the most recommended therapy by doctors around the world, thanks to the almost absolute percentage of cases successfully treated,” says the clinic.

The procedure is performed in a doctor’s office, eliminating the need for hospitalizations. It is not very annoying and the patient can return to his daily activities the same day.

Regular injections for all types of hyperhidrosis

This system temporarily solves hyperhidrosis in the regions of the armpits, feet, palms, skull and face through injections that block the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which after receiving impulses from one or more sympathetic nerve ganglia, stimulates the production of sweat by the sweat glands.

The duration of the treatment has an average time of between six and eight months. The results are not immediate: the decrease in sweat production is noticeable after five days. And the effectiveness varies from person to person.

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