Focus: guide to achieve goals without distractions!

Focus is like the reins on a spirited horse. You have to learn to master it…

How many times a day do you stop for a few minutes to check your cell phone notifications and your social networks? Or how many times have you started a project but procrastinated until you gave up?

Maintaining focus is an increasingly difficult task today. Mainly because of the small and large distractions present everywhere.

If you are here and want to change that in your life, congratulations! Understanding the importance of focusing on your personal and professional goals is the first big step.

To help you even more to create new habits to achieve your goals, we are going to explain everything it means to maintain focus and suggestions to put them into practice as soon as possible.

What does it mean to have and maintain focus?

The lack of focus affects us in the most varied areas of life. Without focus we begin to lose control of our daily tasks, which we always leave behind and for later.

This loss of control can end up invading larger areas, such as a lack of focus in organizing personal finances, for example.

When we say that it is necessary to focus, we mean going in the direction of a goal, as well as being organized and planning well to understand what we need to achieve what we want.

Before starting to work on its improvement, it is necessary to evaluate where your mental focus is.

Can’t ignore distractions and easily lose control of your progress? Then it’s time to give it special attention.

It may take a while, but don’t despair. By practicing good habits to maintain it, it will come naturally over time.

10 techniques and tips to focus and achieve your goals

Below, we show you the techniques and suggestions that we selected to help you focus better and also increase your .

Ready to conquer your goals? So, start by putting the following points into practice:

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1. Start gradually

If you have a central goal, such as starting a new business, the best way to work toward your goal is to start gradually.

It’s like starting a new physical activity after a long time without exercising: you won’t achieve a great result right away. It is necessary to train and achieve better and better conditioning over time.

So, break your goal down into smaller goals, starting to work from there. One piece of advice: use the Technique, which also helps to break up the work time.

2. Work to eliminate potential distractions

Although it seems obvious, many times we have no idea of ​​the number of distractions that prevent us from concentrating on a task.

Today, very common sources of distractions are smartphones and . Just a notification that the temptation to look is great.

One way to deal with this is to put your cell phone away, or block access to social media while you work. For the latter, there are even plugins in Google Chrome that make it very simple.

Also, set aside a specific time and place to focus on your homework. Whether it’s for study or work, creating a routine by eliminating sources of distractions is a great way to focus on what’s necessary.

3. Focus on one thing at a time

Truth be told: few people manage to multitask. For those who have problems with focus, the ideal is to choose the goals and focus on one at a time.

Juggling multiple tasks at the same time only leads to drastically reducing your productivity. Improving your focus also means making the most of the resources available at any given time.

In short: one step at a time!

4. Learn to say no

If you have many tasks accumulated, it is time to carefully evaluate each one of them. Can you just eliminate some to focus on what really matters?

Also, before taking on a new task, evaluate it and consider whether it fits into your own priorities. If the answer is no, then say no.

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Remembering: focus is giving priority to things that are really important.

5. Practice mindfulness

A well-known technique to focus better is the practice of full attention (mindfulness). Several specialists recommend dedicating 10 to 20 minutes a day to practice it.

But what is that? It is simply a question of concentrating on what one is doing, observing all the physical and emotional sensations of that moment.

Mindfulness can be applied at any time of the day. For example, while chewing your food, concentrating on the flavors and textures.

This practice helps decrease distractions as they arise. If you are working and feel an uncontrollable desire to do something else, mindfulness is something that helps you regain your concentration.

6. Try to do physical exercises

Performing some physical activity brings incredible benefits to life, including improving focus. It is vital to ensure that your body stays at the peak of fitness to meet all of your goals.

And we’re not talking about running miles. A 30-minute walk, 20-minute yoga, or another activity you enjoy can go a long way toward increasing productivity.

7. Create flexible goals and monitor your progress

Knowing that it is necessary to improve focus, also remember to keep them flexible. At the end of the day, every process needs to be reviewed to guarantee the success of its greater objective.

Just as important as flexibility is tracking your progress. This can be done in a form from Google Sheets itself or another that helps in managing goals.

The key is to look at them from time to time, noting the progress and what needs to change.

8. Seek to have someone to help you

We know that even defining all the goals and creating a central objective is difficult to put everything into practice, and easy to procrastinate the work.

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To help you in this regard, it is very important that you look for someone you trust who motivates you and even “demands” progress from you. But don’t think of that as something negative, because the function of it will simply be to help you.

That person can be your guardian, just as you can be for him. With someone helping you and demanding dedication to your goal, it will be much more difficult for you to lose focus.

9. Organize your schedule

It’s normal to forget to do something during the day, but many times these forgetfulness can mean leaving something important undone.

That is why it is essential to have an organized agenda, which makes it practically impossible to forget anything. And today having a good schedule is getting easier, because there are countless free applications on the Internet.

To organize your agenda, set times to complete tasks, focus on what is necessary to complete them. Did you cross off a task on the agenda? Pause and reward yourself by doing something you enjoy.

10. Always practice!

Strengthening your focus is not something that happens in the blink of an eye. It takes time and practice to become focused and not lose sight of your ultimate goal.

First, discover everything that hinders you. It can be email notifications or someone interrupting you all the time. By mapping this, you will be able to value your time more and work to change what is necessary.

Commit to working on your focus and you will see that achieving your goals will be much easier!

And now, how about starting to stimulate your creativity too? to generate innovative ideas!

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