Skyscraper: how to use this technique to increase your results?

He is an increasingly relevant aspect in the brand strategy. In this context, the Skyscraper technique is, without a doubt, an efficient mechanism to boost results and take advantage of the growth of your business.

If you already have (or plan to have) a blog in which constant updates seek to position yourself as a reference in your segment, Skyscraper is made for you.

Did you like the idea and want more information? In this post, we are going to explain the Skyscraper technique in depth.

We will give you 5 tips so that you can use the insights of this tool and, of course, see the results in the short, medium and long term.

All ready? Good reading and good learning!

Definition of ‘skyscraper’

The word “skyscraper” originates from English and, in free translation, means “skyscraper”. The term is used to describe large buildings that stand out in their grandeur, change the landscape and seem to touch the clouds.

The importance of this type of enterprise lent its nickname to an equally valuable strategy, directly associated with content marketing: (Search Engine Optimization).

To mimic the relevance of the brick and mortar versions, digital tactics are also aiming to build stronger and more expressive brands.

Corporate leaders and marketing managers, already accustomed to high competition offline, also saw increased competitiveness on the Internet.

To gain space and maintain authority, it was necessary to rethink the models. In addition to the professionalization of the content, SEO, an old acquaintance, had to be renewed.

This is how the Skyscraper technique arose, as a way to enhance positioning in search engines and demonstrate to the target audience the dominance of the brand in strategic issues.

In practice, it is a set of initiatives to evaluate content with good performance, personalize it in an authorial way and, by improving it (making it yours), leave behind those who you initially saw as your competition.

Does this really work? Yes! indicate that the technique promoted the growth of organic access by up to 110%.

In general, it works as follows:

  • First, find articles related to your business, which are relevant to search engines (they are on the first page);
  • Then, analyze how you can improve the content (updating it, adding more examples, making the design friendlier and the language more attractive, etc.);
  • Then, create your own version of the text (without strict copies, as they are penalized), using the same topics and keywords;
  • In the end, when you are satisfied with the results of your content, invest in getting backlinks that lead to your domain (this is probably the reason why your competition is on the first page of searches).
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After formatting an awesome article, look for partners (via email or other mechanisms) who can include your article in their links. After all, if your text is really superior to what they recommend, there is no reason for them to refuse to change the reference of their web pages.

This initiative is worth it!

Building a Skyscraper Strategy

The incredible possibilities of the Skyscraper technique for digital marketing got you excited, right? Here are some of the best tips for building your strategy!

Find content opportunities

With the routine of daily work, you probably already know who your main competition is, right? However, to formulate a drive strategy based on Skyscraper’s rules, you have to look to the virtual competition. Search engine results should be the priority in this case.

The SERP (Search Engine Results Page) competition, which is the page a user is on after performing a search, should guide the evaluation of new opportunities.

Did you find a well-positioned text that has a lot to do with your business? Perfect! This is the topic that you should address, using the same keywords, making it even better and more complete.

To increase your chances of success, you need to be as professional as possible.

Resources like SEMRush or Majestic (both paid) not only indicate the main keywords of the article, but also the backlinks (other web pages that mention this content). That helps you a lot when you need to create your strategy.

Create and feed a list of partners

If you invest a lot in the Skyscraper proposal, you are surely going to get excellent results. A good way to speed up and optimize them is to stop relying on luck to get your valuable backlinks.

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Building a strong network of partners willing to include your content in their links, organically, makes a difference when setting up your strategy.

If your content production is in a virtuous circle of publishing and referencing, which qualifies you for great search engine rankings, authority (and profits) will come even faster.

On the Internet, as well as in offline operation, networks are valuable. Be sure to work with your business contacts!

Invest in the quality of the content produced

The quality of the texts you produce is critical to the success of your Skyscraper strategy. With inadequate content – ​​incomplete, outdated or wrong – not even the largest network of partners will be able to boost your brand.

Therefore, it is essential that you really dedicate yourself to the mission of launching incredible content. Spare no effort to search for relevant sources, bring news that is of interest to your audience and, whenever possible, deliver something else.

For example, take into account good SEO practices: minimum number of words, scannability of the text, well-positioned keywords and link building (internal and external). These criteria are taken very seriously in search engine ranking.

And finally, remember: You have to surprise, captivate and answer what you have set out to clarify, okay? In addition to gaining authority and referral, you can also convert and .

Select the right audience

Each content has a story and a purpose. The good old conversion funnel can help you understand what is the proposal of yours.

It is always good to keep this in mind, avoiding that a super-specialized text is addressed to an audience that does not yet have much knowledge about the subject.

If your article is more generic, focus on presenting a topic or idea and provide other tools for depth. You are at the top of the funnel.

The middle of the funnel is full of people who already know a little about the topic, but aren’t sure enough yet to make purchase decisions.

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At the bottom of the funnel, there are customers who are ready to convert. And you can’t lose them! Be incisive in authority and demonstrate a high level of knowledge and ability to solve any problem related to the topic.

One more thing: you can also abuse formats. Post, ebooks, guides and checklists are some of the materials you can offer. Analyze the context of the publication and take advantage of the opportunity (without giving up your efforts)!

Promote content to your audience

If you have already ventured into the universe of organic traffic, you will surely know that spontaneous access is slow. Before you can get a good volume of users, you need to strengthen your base and your authority, and this is probably going to take time…

To make your website work, think about promoting the content on the web. There are several formats available to advertise your production and one or more of them are ideal for your business and your audience.

Analyze your company and your public profile. Then, choose to promote your content on social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.), through Ads (Google, Bing, etc.) or as sponsored (on other prominent web pages, such as El País and El Clarion).

Measurement is very important here to make sure you are spending your money on the right tools. As mentioned above, make sure to target your ads to your brand, optimizing delivery and results.

tallest skyscraper

There are no limits to an efficient content strategy.

The Skyscraper technique can be exactly what you are missing to reinforce your authority with your target audience. It is worth investing and adding a new brick to your skyscraper every day!

If you want to know more about this topic, learn !

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