How to advertise: 10 tips to launch your product

After designing it, planning it, thinking about all the details, you have achieved it,! After all these stages, a question arises: how to advertise a product to launch it successfully on the market?

Regardless of the type of product you choose to sell, there is something recurring in any market, whether online or physical: well-done advertising is key to making your brand known.

Have you ever heard that “propaganda is the soul of business?”

In parts it can be considered true, after all, what is the use of having a very well thought out and made product if people do not know about it?

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That is why you need to know how to advertise for a product. Therefore, in this post we give you some tips to carry out an effective dissemination of your business. Our greatest wish is that your creative effort is not in vain!

1. Know your buyer person well

It seems a bit cliché and repetitive to talk about buyer personas, but if you want to know how to advertise a product effectively, it is essential. Otherwise, how is it possible to create strategies aimed at generating viral results?

When one begins to think about advertising, the ideal client is the first person to consider, since it is the person for whom the product has been idealized. In the end, the goal of promotion is to reach a specific audience to show them that you have something that might interest them and help them solve any problem in question.

But, identifying your buyer persona is not the only thing you have to do, but also learn to segment your target audience, because these two concepts complement each other.

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2. Think about the type of language to advertise

After knowing who your buyer persona is, you can now think about the type of language that would be most appropriate to communicate with that audience.

When we think about advertising, generally, the first language discarded is the most formal and with many different expressions, since they can confuse your audience. However, you need to think about the people you want to reach with your product advertising, so you can find the perfect way to communicate with them.

Let’s give two examples to make it clearer:

Suppose your product is a dedicated to improving posture as a speaker at international labor law conferences.

It is evident that the public you want to reach with such a product is very specific: people who already work and know labor law well and who even give presentations on the subject.

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Of course, the language you will use can be more formal and even with specific legal vocabulary.

Now imagine another situation: Suppose you have a of sportswear. When promoting it, it is not interesting to use very formal language, but you can use terms that are widely spoken in gyms and among athletes.

The truth is that your referent has to be your buyer persona, which will allow you to define the most appropriate language for promoting your product.

3. Analyze the competition

How to advertise effectively also includes analyzing your competition. Study what other people who also work in your company are doing. of activity so you can detect what is recurring and what is still missing in that market.

But be very careful at this stage: analyzing the competition does not mean copying what they are doing. Who likes to see more of the same?

In reality, what you have to understand is how other entrepreneurs are doing their advertising to try to perceive the reception of certain ads by the public. Then you can define what is the best strategy for you, this is precisely the essence of benchmarking.

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4. Be innovative

After analyzing the competition you will notice some gaps in your area of ​​activity, and that is where innovation comes in!

Think of ways to respond to what is missing in the market. Innovating does not always mean doing something totally new and from scratch, something that has never existed before.

Of course, if you are creative and have that kind of idea, it is even better, because your product will be absolutely original. But if your business is similar to another that is already on the market, don’t despair, because you can innovate in how you deliver the product or how you present it to the market, for example.

There are several companies that stand out in niches saturated with small innovations, so all you need to do is look at how your product can be better in some ways and show it to your audience.

(Do you want to know more about this topic? After finishing this post, read our text about .)

5. Highlight all the qualities of your product

Without neglecting the issue of innovation yet, a good suggestion is to advertise by highlighting the qualities of your product. Show your buyer persona all the advantages that he will have if he decides to buy what you offer.

Remember to do it mainly if there are already copies similar to your product on the market.

If you have a foreign language course, for example, you already know that there are other people who also teach the same language as you. However, your differential may be in the method you use or in the speed that the students in your course learn.

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Do not hesitate when advertising, then, to highlight the distinctive aspects of your product. That way other people will know your added value!

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6. Create a strong slogan

All advertising has one characteristic in common: .

It is a small phrase capable of defining the product that you are offering to your audience… And it must be, once again, innovative, creative.

Think about everything you have idealized for your product and try to define it quickly. It’s as if you want to sell it to someone, but you don’t have much time to explain its main features (actually, that’s what you want to do: sell).

In addition, you have to create a short, direct slogan that shows your product quickly and that people easily understand its usefulness.

A good idea to start writing your slogan is to think of words that show that your product is unique and necessary. Also think of phrases that can activate people’s desire.

Generally, people buy products aimed at avoiding their “pains” or finding solutions to their problems. So, create a slogan that is focused on touching the emotional needs of your buyer.

eye! The message has to be short!

Do you want to know how to make an irresistible slogan?

  1. Talk about a wish;
  2. that generates a result;
  3. at a specific time;
  4. guaranteeing the resolution of major objections;
  5. with guaranteed risks.

By applying these 5 steps, you will most likely be able to show people why they need to buy what you have to offer.

7. Select the type of advertising to publish

This may be the key to answering the question of how to advertise your product effectively, since there are various advertising formats that you can choose from and the success of your product will often depend on which channel you choose:

  • ;
  • Online and physical banners;
  • flyers;
  • TV advertisements for elevators, buses and shopping malls;
  • TV commercials;
  • podcasts;
  • ;
  • Emails.

Although we are repetitive, it is worth stating once again: the format you choose depends on your audience, so you need to think about the communication channels that are most relevant to your buyer persona. But don’t stick to one format. You can choose as many as you think necessary!

In addition, you also need to consider the expenses you will have to advertise and choose the format that best suits your pocket.

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8. Test

Regardless of the advertising format you choose, it is essential to test to see if it is really working.

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Keep an eye on the comments made by your audience on each type of ad you post.

Likewise, you can also talk with people you know and ask them for an opinion about your ad, the layout of the images or any other element that is present in your advertising piece. Ohh, and especially if they would buy your product after seeing the ad.

The tests will allow you to make small improvements to your ads and see which one works better.

9. Talk to digital influencers

When you want to make a purchase and are still undecided about which brand or product to choose, isn’t it good to receive recommendations from well-known people or even celebrities who have already used it?

In the digital market, digital influencers are excellent for helping you advertise a product, thanks to the fact that they can recommend your brand to the different followers they have on their social networks.

That is why you can try to contact them and find ways to promote your product. Thus, you will not only reach your audience, but that of some digital influencers.

To better understand how you can promote your products with these Internet celebrities, read our post that explains everything about the .

10. Promote events

We know that it is not always possible to hold events, because that implies a lot of financial investment. So if you are just starting out now, this is surely not a suggestion that you can put into practice now.

However, if you already have a more stable business and can make large investments, it is interesting to promote some events in your field of activity. In this way you educate your audience, do something innovative and different from what your competition has been doing and, in addition, promote new products that you are launching.

Promotion increases your sales

At the beginning of this post we have stated that advertising is the soul of the business, after all, it is through the promotion of your products that you manage to make more sales and attract new customers. So, whenever you have a new product, never forget to promote it in the ways that you think are the most appropriate.

If you still have doubts about how to advertise your products, take the opportunity to also read our full post on .

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