How to create a product on the platform: complete step by step

If you’ve come this far, you probably already know that is a complete platform where you can create and distribute a wide variety of info products.

Our goal is to offer a safe and accessible tool so you can easily create your digital business from scratch. In this way we allow every day that more people live from their passions and can help improve the lives of others, through their knowledge and experiences.

But before starting, it is important that you know what are the main points that you must take into account before creating your info product on our platform. All digital products registered with are carefully evaluated by our team.

Therefore, we establish some approval parameters that are very important to ensure that the consumer receives a product of excellent quality, as well as guaranteeing that it is among the best in the market.

What are the main points of creating a product?

Once you have registered on our platform and are creating your product, certify that you follow these 6 steps:

1. Description

This stage is very important, because you must describe what your product is and what it is for. In addition to these data, you must choose the format of the product according to the way you want to deliver it. In case you use an external or internal members area (such as the), you must choose the following format: Online Courses, Member Site or Subscription Services.

If you want to add files to the platform, they must be in the following formats:

  • Ebook (PDF, epub)
  • Images (png,jpg)
  • Audio (mp3)
  • Videos (mp4)

And remember: it is not possible to change the format of the product after its approval.

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2. Prices

At this stage you have to define the price options of your product. Here you choose the currency and the payment method: cash or subscription. Cash payment is the simplest, you just have to indicate the price of your product. If the product is a subscription, you have to register all the plans that will be available by subscription to your customers. And remember: the payment method, as well as the currency, cannot be changed after the product has been created, so make sure that all the information is correct.

3. Terms of Use

The content of the product must be in accordance with the platform’s policies. If not, the product may be rejected for sale through . Some examples of direct disapproval or product blocking factors are:

  • pyramid schemes
  • Products that promise to cure health problems without the support of a recognized organization specialized in the subject
  • Pornographic material containing nudity or sexual acts

If your product conforms to ‘s policies and if you choose to use the affiliate program, the index will be calculated . This scoring system qualifies the products published on according to the information registered by the creator of the product. The more relevant and detailed the information about the product is, the better it will be scored, as the affiliate will have more resources to decide which products to affiliate with.

4. Overview

Now that you have created your first product, you need to fill in other pending information, such as registering the content on the platform or publishing your product in the Affiliate Program, with which other people can promote it and thus further boost your sales.

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If you want to use the our complete and free members area to register your content, click on the option Members Area > Club Access. we explain step by step how to configure this tool to host and distribute your product.

5. Product content

In case your product category is a Members Area, click on the “Members Area” button that appears in the side menu and choose whether you will use the Club or an External Members Area. If you choose this last option, you must integrate via POST. In this case, you must add the data of the Members Area that you already use as it appears on the screen.

After you have added all the data from the External Members Area, click on “Product Contents” to add all the files that you will deliver to your customer after they make a purchase. Remember that you can upload a total of 20 files, which must have a maximum of 200MB.

6. Sales Page

If you want to use a sales page generated by , start by adding your product description in the “Sales Page” item and then make a presentation about the creator of the product in the “About the Author” item.

It is necessary that the authorship is clear in the material and the name of the author is the same as the user. But, if you want to market a product at someone else’s request, there are two ways to solve that situation. The first is by activating co-authorship, or if the author does not have a account, the author himself must contact us. The second is the sending of documents that prove that the author knows that his product will be marketed by another person.

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Next, describe the benefits of the product and choose the background image for the page. You can use the standard images or submit your own background. The image must be in the formats: JPG, PNG or GIF. It is very important to pay attention to the size of the images, since the limit is 2 MB.

If you want to use an external sales page, click on “External Page” and add the link of your page. Remember that, in this case, you have to add the checkout link on your sales page. To do this, go to the Tools> Checkout Page side menu and copy the link.

Clever! You have already defined the most important points of your product. Make sure to review all the information and, when you are sure that everything is correct, click on “Submit for evaluation”. Our team will verify if all the information complies with the terms and policies of the platform. In up to 3 business days, our team will contact you via email to communicate whether or not your product has been approved.

If you still have other questions about the product evaluation process, please send a message to our Support team via . It will be a pleasure to help you!

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