How to define your sales goals? tips for entrepreneurs

Many people ask us about the sales goals related to a business, but do you know how to define and, mainly, how to monitor yours?

Currently, in companies, setting goals is essential for the business and to increase the productivity of employees.

However, more than defining your objectives, it is very important that you know that the success of your digital marketing strategies will be a direct consequence of your routine and how you are executing it, or not, day after day.

In this text I am going to give you some tips so that you can put them in your routine and achieve your sales goals.

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1. Define a goal using the SMART methodology

Every time we have a strategic meeting, I always ask: What is your biggest goal this year?

After all, we all have one, you can be the biggest producer in your niche, reach the famous seven digits in your account or live from your passion.

Everyone thinks of a goal when starting to work in the digital market. That is just the first step of every beginning.

What is your goal?

After defining your goal, I suggest that you put reminders in every corner, so that you always remember that.

The road will be long, so determination is essential.

One piece of advice I give you is to always think of something epic, be it a content or a frame. That will be your real. Then, use it when building it and then use it as an example of success or even as a formation of your authority later on.

2. Set a realistic deadline for your sales goals

Now, we need to think about time.

For example:

If your goal is , put the first time parameters for when you decide to do it, it can be a month or a quarter. But you need a schedule for execution.

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And because?

In order for you to be able to execute your plans in an assertive and realistic way, it is not enough to create the demands, you need to meet the deadlines so that you can always continue and not be left alone in the idea.

Did you know that in an investigation at Harvard, only students who wrote their goals clearly and objectively managed to achieve them after 5 years? Think about it!

Regarding deadlines, it is very important to know that in content marketing, frequency is a determining factor of success. It is not enough to have content, you need to be showing it clearly and objectively at all times, so remember to maintain a routine.

3. Create and prioritize the activities in your sales funnel

Everyone knows the famous 80/20, right? 80% contents of the top of the funnel and 20% of the contents of the middle and bottom of the funnel.

We always prioritize what is delivering the greatest result. And that’s fine!

However, we can make a big mistake when we forget the base, because the focus ends up going only to the top of the funnel. And in digital marketing, we have to think about the funnel as a whole.

I joke that online business often consists of several funnels one below the other. How so, Thalita?

When we refer to acquisition, we have the lead generation funnel; then, at checkout, we have the course engagement funnel or the customer enchantment funnel.

There is an eternal fallacy in believing that it is best to always focus on the foundations of success. But, the base, which is your potential client from the middle of the funnel and the bottom of the funnel, is as or more important than the one on top.

For example:

Speaking of content, we should focus on engaging content precisely because it will be responsible for attracting new visitors to your blog or website. And then we work on the lead warm-up step within the email funnel.

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4. Measure progress with metrics and indicators

For this stage it is recommended to work with key indicators or KPIs.

A KPI is a monitoring indicator that measures whether your deadline or sales goals are above or below expectations.

Measurement is very important to know if the objectives were achieved and what you will need to improve from month to month to achieve it.

For example:

There are email metrics you should check, such as open rate and CTR (click through rate).

Do you always look at those rates in your business?

Check those CTAs that are being clicked on each email trigger. This can help you optimize the next shipments, increase your click-through rate and, consequently, your traffic.

5. Create an easy-to-understand monitoring dashboard

But what is a monitoring dashboard?

It is a panel that manages the performance of activities in pursuit of achieving your goals.

One of the advantages of working with a dashboard or instrument panel in the sales goal definition strategy is the evidence for the entire team, serving as a parameter so that each collaborator understands the importance of your participation in the team.

The dashboard allows monitoring through a written and visible goal, thus, it can awaken the sense of urgency and ends up being easier to achieve.

6. Use incentives to motivate the team

There is no need to create follow-up KPIs if your team is not motivated enough to achieve them.

Not having an incentive per person and per team prevents you from superimposing personal objectives on those of the company.

It is very important that the sales goals direct not only the profits of the company, but also that of the professionals.

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If you don’t have a team yet, why not book a special meal for yourself or buy yourself something you really want?

Our brain has its own reward system stimulated via ATP, that is, the incentive makes us establish our goals for well-being and not just for business direction.

7. Define a stage of completion and improvements

Choose a closing period that can be monthly, quarterly or yearly, for example. In that period, it collects all the indicators that were easily surpassed and those that were not reached.

Why is it important to do this?

Because you need to measure if the expected growth is below the market or if it is too high. In this way, we always have reality and market adjustments.

Also, this is an important period for you to reflect if you need to improve something, be it a process or even the creation of a new landing page, for example.

Most used sales metrics and indicators

If you already have stipulated sales goals and have created daily processes to achieve them, I would now like to leave you with some important KPIs so that you can think about your online business.

1. Metrics used before purchase:

  • CTA
  • CTR
  • open rate
  • Percentage of Qualified Leads
  • Checkout A/B testing
  • capture page
  • exit pop up
  • conversion rate

2. Metrics used at the time of purchase:

  • Reimbursement and chargeback percentage
  • Purchase Recovery Percentage
  • Approval percentage
  • Post purchase
  • Buyback Percentage
  • Parcel vs. approval
  • NPS

If after reading this post you have realized that you have not yet managed to create sales goals that can be achieved, take the opportunity to read our .

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