How to do YouTube SEO and increase the views of your videos?

Do you want to increase the views of your videos? YouTube SEO techniques are the key to improving search engine rankings and accessing a larger audience.

And best of all, if you do a good job of SEO on your videos, not only will they reach the top search but they can also occupy the first positions in the Google video ranking, it will be great to put this strategy into practice and improve your position in these two search engines!

Here you will discover the step by step of a specific SEO strategy for YouTube. These are simple tips that you can apply right now in your video production.

The potential of YouTube to generate business

YouTube is one of the most used social media, since it has worldwide and with a reproduction of 1,000 million hours of views per day. This number is double the previous year, in which 500 million hours attended per day were recorded. In other words, its potential is enormous, if you know how to use it strategically.

In the case of small entrepreneurs, especially those YouTube is an excellent channel to build authority on a certain subject and .

The importance of SEO for YouTube and other channels

You strive daily to create quality content. Meanwhile, dozens of other people are doing the same thing. This competition is nothing new. But, given this scenario, what can you do to have more access than your competitors?

The answer is simple: you need to be in the top positions of the search ranking. A study carried out by Advanced Web Ranking shows that they say they use Google to buy or find a product.

It is the set of techniques that will help you optimize your YouTube page or channel to occupy the first positions of the search and attract more traffic. Once someone enters your page or channel, your role is to deliver quality content to transform a visitor into a lead and then into a customer.

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YouTube metrics relevant to SEO

YouTube uses some metrics to determine the quality of your video, based on user experience. It is important to know and monitor them, because the commitment of your viewers is the main factor for positioning.

audience retention

This metric represents the percentage of people who watched your videos, and in this case, the longer the better, since you want users to comment and engage with your content after watching.

Being aware of the retention rate of your videos is essential to identify standards. If most viewers abandon a video at the beginning, it may be an indication that there is a problem and you need to improve .


If people commented on your video it is a sign that they liked what they saw or at least watched the content until the end. That is why it is so common to see asking their followers to leave comments (positive or negative).

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Number of times shared

In the same way as comments, the number of shares is a very strong social proof, as it shows that the content is of quality.

Videos in playlists

This data shows how many people have marked your video as favorites and how many have removed your video from favorites. It is also possible to be aware of the accumulated number of favorites during a certain period, which can be useful if you want to validate if your strategy changes are producing results.

I like it

The number of likes on a video can seem like a “vanity metric”, only in the case of YouTube, they count points to rank you. Still, be on the lookout for negative feedback, as the number of dislikes also influences your video’s ranking.

Number of subscribers

This number is self-explanatory, since it is the number of people who to view your content. It is recommended to have a

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12 tips to do SEO on YouTube

After understanding how YouTube determines the relevance of your videos, it’s time to discover how you can use SEO techniques to attract quality traffic and increase the number of views.

1. Make a quality video

It may sound cliché, but the first step to any successful SEO strategy is having a . If the video is bad, it won’t rank on YouTube, and it doesn’t matter how SEO optimized it is.

Of course you don’t need a big production or a professional video maker. What matters is that the content provides value to the viewer, helps solve a problem or leads the viewer to the next stage of the funnel.

Regardless, if you have the money to hire specialists to produce your content, I suggest you go for it! Trust me, that expense will pay off later when you’re driving qualified traffic to your channel.

Whatever your case, emphasizing quality in your recording is important to provide a good user experience and, consequently, improve your positioning on YouTube.

Here it is important to pay attention to the beginning of the video. According to YouTube itself, you have up to 15 seconds to capture the attention of your viewer, that is, it is important to deliver some information at the beginning that catches enough so that they want to see you until the end.

Another suggestion that can help you a lot is to insert small “breaks” in the rhythm in order to maintain attention, especially if it is a video in which you talk all the time. A few editing resources and even staging are great ways to do this.

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2. Choose the keywords of your video

The choice of the keyword can be decisive for the success or failure of your video.

The first step is to find the balance between the most searched categories on YouTube and the keywords specific to your niche. Only here comes the big trick: chosen must also have a relevant search volume to drive traffic to your channel.

You can optimize search volume using tools like either .

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3. Optimize the content

If you already have a Another option is to discover keywords that are already driving traffic to your channel and produce more content on that topic. To find out, you have to access .

Just like any other website, your videos on YouTube should be optimized for your chosen keyword. Be sure to include your keyword in your video title, tags, description, and even the name of the file you post online, preferably at the beginning of the sentence. This practice will help users find your video, as well as improve your performance on the video platform.

4. Description of the videos

In addition to citing your keyword 3 or 4 times in the text, you must take some care in the description of your videos, after all, they are the main parameter of YouTube to identify what type of content you address there.

Some tips help when making a good description:

  • Citing your keyword in the first paragraph of the description is good for making the central theme of the video clear.
  • The texts should be around 250 words, but avoid very long texts, most people on the Internet do not read to the end.
  • Putting links to your blog/website or social networks helps keep people interested, but too much information can disperse the user to the point that they do not want to follow until the end.

5. Create an eye-catching thumbnail

Surely you have already chosen a video based on the display image, right? Therefore, having a good thumbnail is one of the most important factors to increase the number of views of your videos.

A valuable suggestion for thumbnails is: avoid excesses! To build engagement, It must be very clear about the content that will be discussed. Imagine watching a video that is more than fifteen minutes long, but that has nothing to do with the title or the thumbnail… You can gain viewing, but you will surely lose a follower of your channel. Playing by the rules pays off, especially if you manage to deliver a good user experience.

6. Keep an eye on the length of your video

If you do a quick search on YouTube you will see that most of the videos that occupy the first positions are more than 5 minutes long. YouTube ranks well for content that keeps users on the platform longer, so try to make more complete videos whenever possible.

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Think about the example of blogposts, the more complex the topic, the more you write, right? And don’t fall into the trap of talking for a long time on a subject that doesn’t pay as much, because it can have the opposite effect on your audience and cause them to abandon the video.

7. Add subtitles to videos

The use of subtitles in videos is another relevant SEO factor on YouTube, because in addition to the possibility of translating your content into other languages, you offer the possibility of watching the video without sound or for those with hearing disabilities.

The process of inserting subtitles is simple, just load the words and synchronize the text according to the speed of speech. This task is much easier if .

In the case of spontaneously recorded videos, you will have the job of transcribing the content before uploading the subtitle, so it is interesting to evaluate if the subtitles will be relevant to the audience you want to reach. In most cases it is, and that counts positive points for your positioning on YouTube.

8. Insert cards

Have you noticed that when you are watching a video, sometimes an icon appears to click on the right and top side of the screen?

These icons are called cards and can be used to indicate other content or the action you expect from the viewer, “call to action” style.

There are currently six types of cards that can be inserted into videos:

  • Cards that direct the viewer to another channel: ideal for videos that are recorded in society. However, they should be inserted at the end of the video so as not to disperse the viewer.
  • Cards to encourage the collection of resources: campaigns of crowdfunding and donations in general.
  • Merchandise cards: direct the public to the website where they can make the purchase.
  • Cards for playlists or related videos.

9. Add Tags to your YouTube video

The , also known as tags, are facilitators for your video to be found. They are basically short words that indicate the subject, category and other information of a video.

Tags allow YouTube and Google algorithms to identify the…

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