How to install cURL in PHP in Xampp

The solution is quite simple, because the dll that you must have to use cURL from PHP (php_curl.dll) is already installed on your computer, in the Xampp PHP extensions directory itself. It’s not active, but it’s there, so you just have to tell PHP to load it.

If you look at the PHP extensions directory, where Xampp is installed, something like this:


You will find the dll you need: php_curl.dll

To activate it from PHP you have to edit the php.ini, which is in the PHP directory. You can also locate your php.ini through a phpinfo() . http://www./faq/donde-esta-phpini.html

You just have to remove the semicolon “;” What is before the line that loads the dll:


Then you save the php.ini and restart Apache for the changes to take effect. Now you will be able to use the cURL functions for PHP without problems.

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