How to make attractive video classes | Blog

The Distance Education (EAD) market has grown exponentially with the advancement of technology. But you probably already know that.

What you don’t know is that in 2015 said market f.

We already mentioned in our complete guide, which teaches that one of the main advantages of the digital format is the low cost of production for teachers and low cost of acquisition for students.

Having said that, today we bring another tutorial for those who want to create an online course. In this post we are going to focus on one of the best formats to work with digital courses: videos!

So if you plan to create and sell video classes, follow our instructions to develop your material!

A quick analysis of the video market

The new generation is already growing up with the culture of consuming videos instead of television programming.

In the past, the viewer could only see what the station published, in the schedule previously defined by each television channel.

Over time, the process has been reversed and now each user has the power to choose when and what to watch.

In addition, many of those who still use broadcast or cable television services maintain the use of a second screen.

It is very likely that you yourself have already used your mobile to consume other content while you had traditional TV on. In addition, and according to the IAB’s 2017 Annual Media Study (1 in 5 people consume audiovisual content on their mobile while watching TV.

Of this audiovisual content, YouTube is one of the main responsible for this massive distribution of videos. The video network has opened many doors for new influencers to pursue a profession that many people want to have: the profession of Youtuber.

If you do an informal survey with young people between 12 and 16 years old and ask them what channels they use to consume content, you will perceive that YouTube will be among the first most cited.

The fact is that there are other alternatives to explore the video market, as you can see in our post “

Why work with video classes?

The video classes have a fairly didactic format, which facilitates the absorption of content. With images and sound, it is possible to approach and capture the student’s attention, with speech and video editing resources.

In addition, the dynamics of a video class makes the student engage more with the content and remember what has been taught more.

Today it is possible to make good videos with few resources. The most modern smartphones already manage to capture images in high definition, with the quality you need to create a professional online course.

If you are already familiar with the universe of online courses, then you know that the video format has one of the best mechanisms to transmit content clearly and engage the students who watch your classes.

Because it is a course in which people are going to pay to acquire it, you need to deliver material of the highest quality, both in content and in form, so we recommend that you solve this parameter with great care, taking care of the production of the video itself.

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Whether for marketing or supporting material, developing this digital product requires some skills and a little more investment, as we will detail below.

How to make attractive video classes to sell on the Internet

1. Plan the content and format of your classes

Do you remember that teacher at school or university who knew all the material, but did not know how to convey the content or arouse the interest of the students?

plan and test the content you want to stream before you make it available can prevent this.

Let’s consider here that you have already and the topic of your online course, okay?

Then take the raw content of your material and create a lesson plan, dividing it into topics for each video lesson.

How many episodes will be necessary to pass the information without being too tiring or excessive?

In addition, also plan what the approach of the content according to the topic and the audience you want.

If the purpose of your classes is to give advice on starting a business, for example, and you intend to reach a young audience with an entrepreneurial spirit, being very formal and with complex verbiage may not be the best way to attract this audience.

That is why we recommend that you adapt the format to who you want to reach.

If you don’t know which shade to use, a is what you need to understand more deeply who your audience is.

Incidentally, this is one of the first steps in creating an online course. Do it ASAP!

Even if you don’t use a teleprompter, you can create a script that contains the main topics you cover.

The script will also help you maintain a linear sense in your video classes, in which each one complements each other.

full course vs. subscription

These are the two most used models in the digital market for video classes. The concept is very simple:

The full course It is, just as its name already says, a course whose entirety is activated for the client at the time the payment is confirmed. In it, the teacher delivers all the material at once and the student will have access to it as long as the classes are available on the platform, and it may even be a lifetime permit.

The kind of subscription, on the other hand, is the one that takes place through monthly payments, in which the teacher releases new modules periodically, according to his criteria. In this case, the student has access to the content while the subscription is in force. It’s how it works with Netflix: if you stop paying, you stop having access to movies and series.

The subscription model has been widely used, mainly when it comes to a more dense course, with a lot of content to transmit.

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The producer of the course has a great advantage, since it retains students for a longer period and will have a recurring income as long as there are clients.

The student also has advantages, since he pays for the course month by month and can organize his study according to the release of the modules.

2. Have a presenter/teacher posture

As you must have already imagined, it is necessary to have a good poise in front of the cameras.

But unlike what many think, that is not an ability you are born with. There are techniques to learn how to do well in a video, since it is impossible to “be shy” when recording.

If you have a critical eye, you will perceive that the more you train and observe, the better your performance will be. You can also ask a friend to evaluate and rate what you need to improve.

The teacher or presenter must not only be familiar with the topic, but articulate enough to talk about it. The more you master the topic of your course, the more natural your speech and posture will be.

And believe it, your students will trust or feel insecure about the topic, so… study hard before leaving for action!

If you don’t have that profile, it might be better to outsource and invite an expert to be the image of your product. Empathy with the public will be decisive for the success of your video class.

If you prefer to take on the challenge, here are some important tips:

  • Some aspects of body language require some care. Don’t gesticulate too much, as you may end up distracting the student’s attention.
  • If you have a strong accent, try to contain it so as not to hinder the perception of the content.
  • Watch some video classes in advance to use the recommendations of those who already master being in front of the cameras.
  • Warm up your voice and stretch your entire body before recording.
  • Wear comfortable and neutral clothes. Of course, in that regard, you not only can, but should, maintain your personality, as long as you don’t divert the student’s attention.

3. Design a scenario

It doesn’t need to be in a professional studio with cinema lighting, but it does need to be suitable for the needs of your video class.

The fewer objects in the scene and the clearer the environment, the better. That way you will be able to turn the attention of the public towards you and the content.

Sitting or standing, it is best to find the most comfortable way and appropriate to the type of content.

You will be able to combine the physical stage with some assets or even screencasts, which we will talk about later.

The important thing is to have a script that encompasses all the visual resources that your video class will have.

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4. Prepare the necessary equipment

Basically, you will need video equipment (camera with memory card), audio equipment (microphone) and good lighting.

The equipment does not need to be the most professional on the market, but it does need to be the one that enables excellent quality for your video classes.

If you don’t have any suitable equipment, rent one or borrow it from a trusted friend.

Someone will also be needed to conduct the filming, checking if the lighting is adequate, as well as the audio.

The possibility of editing makes it quite easy, but the more solid the video is, the better the result will be.

If your budget allows it, have a professional. See if in your network of relationships you do not have a friend or acquaintance with skills in this area, so you can reduce costs.

5. Edit your video classes

The ideal is to have an editor, someone who already has knowledge in video editing and can include the assets for the program.

If your budget does not allow hiring, do not despair. On the Internet you will find various free options and tutorials to learn how to edit.

As much as you are anxious to launch your course, dedicate enough time to editing, as it plays an important role in the final result of your material.

In this case, it is best to search for the available tools to see which ones will suit you best.

We also indicate some, such as Windows Movie Maker, which is already installed on computers with a Windows system, and iMovie, for Mac computers.

If you want to advance in editing resources, you can use Sony Vegas or Premiere, which despite being paid, will give you more possibilities.

If you find it interesting, use a soundtrack, but make sure the music is not competing with your voice.

If you are inexperienced in this aspect, ask a professional to evaluate your work when it is finished.

6. Enter “assets”

The assets they are visual assets that can add value to your video.

You can have an animated character, icons, a text box…

These complementary media help retain attention, as well as make your digital product much more fun.

The assets they are already included in the edition and, again, if you do not have graphic skills to develop them it is better to hire a specialist.

7. Use screencasts as an alternative

The screencast They are video classes made from the recording of the computer screen.

You can combine the content, using the screens as a complement, or even make your entire video class with that resource, but only use this last option if you…

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