How to put accents or accents in Word

An accent is a spelling or diacritic signwhich is used in those vowels in which the greatest voice strength falls, according to certain linguistic regulations.

Taking this into account, below We will teach you how to place accent marks in Microsoft Wordwhose procedure is extremely short and easy to carry out.

How do you write with an accent in Word?

The first step to follow is to access the document in Word, press the accent key which is to the right of the “Ñ” and then, press the vowel to be checked. For example: “´ + a = á”.

Note: If your computer has this key but the method does not work, it may be due to the language settings of your keyboard. Which we will teach you later in this article how to change it.

However, if you do not have this option on your keyboard, you must hold down the “Alt” button and choose the following alternatives:

  • ALT + 160: á
  • Alt + 130: é
  • Alt + 161: yes
  • Alt + 162: or
  • Alt + 163: u
  • Alt + 0253: ý.
  • Alt + 013: Á.
  • Alt + 0201: É.
  • Alt + 0205: Í.
  • Alt + 0211: Ó.
  • Alt + 0218: Ú.
  • Alt + 0221: Ý.

Note– This key combination does not work in all versions of Microsoft Word.

How to change the language of your keyboard?

If you execute the keys determined for the accents and they are not generated, you will have to check the established language. To do this go to Windows Settings > Time and language > Language and if you don’t find “Spanish” in this section, pressAdd a preferred language”.

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After that, a new window will appear, search for “Spanish”, click “Next” and pressInstall”. Next, press the language icon on taskbarnext to the device’s clock, to choose the keyboard language when accentuating words.

On some computers, you can use the Control+Shift key combination to automatically change the language of your keyboard between those that you already have preset on your computer.

Taking into account the procedures mentioned in this guide, you will be able to place accents in Word easily.

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