How to Put Maintenance Mode in WordPress

How to put WordPress in maintenance mode without plugins

Everything that serves to reduce the load of a website should always be received with open arms, after all, in addition to reducing the stress generated by the load and queries to the database, it helps to clear the installation of additional code. , without forgetting that the plugins must be monitored, updated and expected from them that they do not have bugs hidden that end up affecting the web or destabilizing the functionality of other plugins.

Any task you can perform in WordPress using snippetsfunctions or filters is always more recommended in the long run, even than the use of plugins.

Plugins make everything easier for us, that’s true! but they also leave us at the mercy of code that does not always adhere to the programming pattern promoted by

It’s so easy to be seduced by a plugin that claims to do this or that, that the temptation not to install it is just 1 click away.

But don’t get carried away by first impressions, sometimes plugins hide too many features that we don’t end up using later and the only thing we end up doing is mounting a racing engine in a utility car necessary?

You need your WordPress site not to be visible while you make changes, customizations, or because you are changing the theme or layout of widgetsand activate Maintenance mode allows you to continue working on it without it being publicly visible.

So use a native WordPress functionality, taking advantage of the maintenance mode that this CMS applies, in the background, when you update the WordPress core, themes or plugins, an action that is performed through the “hidden” file. .maintenance.

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