Introduction to SwishMax

We preview what SwishMax is and what we can do with it.

SwishMax is a FLASH authoring program. It is very easy to use and tremendously powerful, capable of creating animations and effects with images, text, shapes, graphics, and sounds. It has hundreds of effects already created, ready for use. It also has a powerful interpreted programming language called SWiSHscript.

Animations generated with swishmax are exported to the SWF format used by Macromedia Flash.

Its main advantage is the ease of use compared to Macromedia Flash and with truly amazing results.

The purpose of creating animations is to incorporate them into web pages, email, Microsoft Powerpoint or even a Word document.

When opening the program, we find the following screen:

First of all, let’s try to use the basic tools to create a drawing and familiarize ourselves with the program.

In the central part we will see a white box, which we call the design window. There all the animation will be created.

On the left side of the animation we find the toolbox.

Let’s start by testing the basic tools for creating drawings.

These are the tools that will allow us to create basic shapes:

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