It’s time to hit play: come to Club Templates! | Blog

One of the keys that makes the difference in digital businesses is in the experience, and here at we strongly believe in an incredible experience for those who produce, promote or acquire through our.

For this reason, today we present you an exclusive tool in our Members Area, which will transform the interaction between your students and your content – ​​the Club Templates.

Club Templates has tailor-made resources to guarantee a unique experience!

Oops, you still don’t know the Club Templates?

The solution brings a new way to interact with all the content of your digital course, ensuring a better interface and access to your videos.

The solution was created for all levels of users, both for those who have just arrived at the Members Area and for those who are already used to using it.

Each and every one of your videos registered in the Members Area and using the Video Player works perfectly with the new feature.

In summary:

  • An interface to transform the way your students interact with classes;
  • Upload of classes, without difficult settings and without spending time. Just one click and everything is ready;

All your videos in the can be accessed with this personalization solution, saving you time and effort, and focusing your work agenda on what really matters: the content.

And why is Club Templates so good for my digital business?

For starters, you won’t waste the time you should be spending on your product or the money for your campaigns on programmers, designers, or content hosting.

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Our platform does everything for you, without mysteries or codes. One click and your Members Area already has a unique experience for those who have purchased your online course.

… to use!

Speaking of a unique experience, the interface is amazing and adds more value to your content. Our team of UX designers, developers, writers and many others have come together to create the best experience and usability around.

made for everyone

The Club Template is designed for all levels of users, both for those who have just arrived at the Members Area and for those who are already used to using it.

Each and every one of your videos registered in the Members Area and that are in the of the Club, they work perfectly in Templates, which has arrived to increase the engagement of your classes. Look at the result!

Do you want to learn how to configure the Club Templates?

Look to know all the steps.

Clever! Now you can make the most of everything Club Templates has to offer you and your students the best. The changes will be applied automatically, so your Students will see the new interface when accessing the platform.

Any questions? No problem! Our it will help you.

  • This post was originally written in May 2018 and has been updated to contain more complete and accurate information.
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