LinkedIn profile: 10 tips to make your profile more attractive

To have an interesting network of contacts and get opportunities for business alliances, it is essential to have a good profile in . With the mission of connecting recruiters with potential collaborators, the social network attracts many young job seekers year after year.

To give you an idea, the platform currently has more than , of which more than 10 million are Spanish and 62 million from all of Latin America. However, many still make the same mistakes when filling out their profile information. Know what they are and avoid them!

Read on and learn:

Why is it so important to use LinkedIn?

We are talking about one of the most successful social networks in the world, as well as being very popular among Spanish-speakers.

Having a LinkedIn profile is a great way to make it easy for you to join companies that interest you. This social network gathers very complete information regarding your professional life and even some personal characteristics that recruiters generally take into account.

But you need to create a strong presence on the net. There are so many opportunities, possibilities and people gathered in one place, so you can’t be left out, can you?

Not to mention that LinkedIn has become one of the main spaces to work on personal marketing, generate new connections with professionals in your area and network.

10 practices that will make your profile valued on LinkedIn

In order for you to take advantage of all the advantages of this social network, you need to learn how to transform your profile into a showcase for success. We bring you 10 tips to help you.

1. Learn to show off your skills

Don’t stop using the skills tab to your advantage. Try to make a list of at least 5 of them and let your connections recommend you. Even so, you should know that, with the recommendations, you will not be able to evaluate yourself.

The skills section is central to your profile on this social network, so don’t let it go blank — but don’t include any information just to fill in the lines, either. You must differentiate what is essential from “blah blah blah”.

2. Use a good profile picture

A LinkedIn profile without a photo is a big mistake you can’t make. But you can’t put just any photo!

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Probably, the one you use on Facebook or WhatsApp is not the most suitable image for your LinkedIn profile, which should be more professional.

Then, select a more suitable photo, as an evaluator does not need to see a photo of you at a party or on the beach.

3. Be careful in the summary

Here you must make a description of yourself using up to 2 thousand characters. Try to show yourself how you want to be seen by those who are part of the network.

To do it in the best possible way, follow these rules:

  • Make your presentation.
  • Discuss your professional interests.
  • Describe your area of ​​action.
  • Talk about what motivates you.
  • Don’t forget the contact information.

4. Remove dispensable words

The word “motivated”, for example, is in the 6th position among the most popular buzzwords, so it is an example of a totally indifferent word, which does not add any value to your profile.

Ideally, do an analysis on your LinkedIn profile to find these types of words and replace them with more specific ones.

The easiest way to find them is to ask yourself if the opposite term is something you could be, like “unmotivated.”

5. Pay close attention to your professional experience

When talking about your professional experience, the most important thing in this network, focus on doing it as completely as possible.

Put the specific dates of the periods in which you worked in each company and try to make a detailed list of all the activities that you developed in your role.

Here, prioritizing the details can make a difference in the eyes of an evaluator or even attract the attention of a professional in your sector who is looking for new connections to network.

6. Offer and ask for recommendations

In this network, the recommendations that people send you are very important.

If you haven’t received any, you can write recommendations for connections you’ve already worked with. Thus, people will feel the desire to repay you.

In case that doesn’t work, you can ask people who studied with you, acquaintances or co-workers to make recommendations about you on your LinkedIn profile.

7. Share relevant information for your niche of interest

One of the most efficient ways to generate added value and increase the notoriety of your profile is by sharing relevant information.

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Posting interesting news for your field of activity will make people associate your profile with useful data.

Some of the best ideas to take this point to the next level are:

7.1. Professional and personal experiences

Post experiences from your profession or your personal life that are of great interest to you and that you think could help your audience in some way.

They can be your own stories, like in job interviews, about your life, even fictional, but that can connect with your audience.

7.2. Motivational phrases

A great way to improve your LinkedIn profile is to share phrases or quotes that inspire and motivate you, especially if you can enrich or nourish them with your own thoughts.

7.3. Share images with phrases

“An image says more than a thousand words”, is a very recurrent saying and something very true because an image with a phrase is much more effective!

7.4. job offers

If you want to ensure that someone remembers you, the best thing to do is to help them get their dream job. If you see a job offer (that is not for you) and that could be useful to someone else, share it on your LinkedIn profile!

7.5. Talk about the product of your business or company

To quickly be associated with a particular service or product (as long as it is your strategy), you can constantly post ideas, tips and valuable information about your company, your product or your professional experience.

7.6. Recommend other profiles

Share information about other users who may be of value to your network, especially if you specify why and the benefits they will get from connecting with them.

8. Participate in groups in your area

Participating in groups in your area is an efficient way to ensure that other related professionals, or headhunters, are viewing your profile.

The moment you enter a group, a notification will appear in your contacts’ feed. Also, all your interactions and shares will be in the feed. That makes groups extremely important places to meet other professionals in your area.

9. Use keywords in your profile

One way to find specific content on the web is through keywords, because LinkedIn is no different.

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If you want your profile to be found more easily and to appear in the first results of a search, be sure to include the necessary keywords.

10. Add sections to your profile

To better organize your profile and make it easier for it to be read and analyzed, it is important that you separate your experiences and skills into specific sections.

For that, just go to “Edit profile” and select one of the available options.

What not to do on the LinkedIn profile?

Take a look at the main mistakes you should avoid on that platform:

  • Posting information about your personal life — for example, sharing posts about your love life, photos and statements that do not belong to that social network;
  • Being a spammer — placing “likes” on all posts, adding people indiscriminately and sending the same message to numerous contacts are practices similar to SPAM, therefore, they can end up burning your image instead of showing “involvement”;
  • Find your connections outside of LinkedIn — do you remember that person in your professional universe that you do not have a close relationship with you or that you have never seen in your life? Well, it is not interesting to go after her in other more personal networks. That practice can be considered quite invasive, and can lead to further estrangement.

What do you think about creating your profile?

Well, now that you know what to do and what to avoid on this famous social network, it’s your time to create your LinkedIn profile to get good business opportunities and associates!

If you want to delve deeper into LinkeIn and closely follow why it is a social network that has remained so successful, be sure to read our post with a curiosity among

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