Marketing in Social Networks: how to have good results

Did you know that approximately 3.8 billion people use social networks? () and not only this, but social media marketing is one of the most effective ways to boost your business.

This number has grown significantly and from 2019 to 2020 alone there was a growth of 321 million users. It’s impressive, right? Imagine what it will be like in the years to come.

The use of it is not linked only to entertainment and communication. This market also has a strong commercial character. People enter social networks to search for brands, products and services.

Most companies have already noticed this trend and are creating strategies on social platforms to become relevant online and attract more customers.

Social media marketing is no longer a differential element, but an essential strategy for all types of business.

If you want to learn how to work on your business strategy on social networks and generate real results, keep reading this post!

Here you will discover:

1. What is social media marketing?

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Marketing in social networks is the set of actions carried out in order to make strategic use of the media to publicize a business, generate brand value, authority, create dialogue with the public, among other commercial objectives.

Among the actions that must be carried out, we can mention:

  • Define the objectives and identify the social networks that will be used
  • Create a buyer persona for your business
  • Create a marketing plan
  • Create editorial calendars
  • Apply
  • Analyze indicators
  • Integration with other channels

As you must have noticed, it is not a strategy that is created overnight and the results usually come in the long term as well.

Social media marketing is an important arm of the . Therefore, the actions converge with each other.

And, despite being a complex and long-term strategy, the benefits come in equal measure and can have an extremely positive and long-lasting impact on the business.

2. Why do social media marketing?

One of the main advantages of social media marketing is the cost-benefit.

The main investments for this scenario are time and knowledge. Plus, it’s free to create business profiles and start using social media strategically. The return of a well done strategy is enormous.

However, if you want to get results faster, you can choose to create .

In addition to the cost-benefit, there is also the possibility of using different content formats to communicate with your audience, such as images, videos, text or some of these combined.

And we cannot forget the advantage that almost 70% of the population is active on these channels. That is, surely your target audience is in at least one social network.

Unlike other advertising channels, social networks allow closer contact with the audience. We are in the era of marketing, in which relationships are the main attraction of a brand.

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Being able to maintain a constant and close dialogue with the public, in a humanized way, is an important tool that social networks offer so that brands can take advantage of it wisely.

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3. How to use social networks in the marketing of your business?

If you want to do social media marketing professionally and efficiently, just being there and posting is not enough.

This is a serious strategy. If you already did it, but not with planning, analysis and techniques, it’s time to learn how to do it correctly.

And if you’re going to start now, follow our tips to start off on the right foot.

As we have already mentioned here, social media marketing involves a set of actions that, carried out correctly, generate the expected result.

Before starting, it is essential to plan well. In the planningthe objective and goals are defined, the buyer personas are created, the most appropriate social networks for the business are identified, the editorial calendar and the KPIs are created.

What will be the objective of your social media marketing? Perhaps, increase the number of customers or earn more , for instance. And the ? Have a certain number of followers until the end of the year, drive a certain amount of traffic to the website. These are just a few possibilities.

Whatever goals you set, it is important that they are SMART, that is, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and temporary. That will even help you which are the performance indicators that you are going to analyze, such as number of followers, comments, shares, etc.

With this defined, it is time to , that is, the semi-fictional representation of your ideal client. This representation is widely used in digital marketing and helps to see the profile of the people who interact with your business in a more humanized way.

This allows you to create much more personalized and effective strategies for potential customers.

With this information, it will be easier define which social network to use. You don’t have to use just one, but you don’t have to use them all if it doesn’t make sense. Analyze your strategy and discover which channels your buyer persona uses the most on a day-to-day basis.

Finally, plan the type of content that you are going to publish, as well as the frequencythe days and times. Perform searches considering your objective and your buyer persona.

Organize it all in one so that you do not forget any publication, do not repeat issues and follow the evolution of your strategy.

Done, now everything is ready to start in fact. But remember to make a constant, not only to see the performance of each publication, but also to answer all the comments and doubts.

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4. The most relevant social networks and how to use them

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If you already know which channels you are going to use in your social media marketing strategy, we are going to talk about the 5 most relevant ones (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn) and give you some tips on how to use them in the best way.

It is important to analyze the particularities of each of these channels carefully, because the decisions you make in one may not be useful for another.

Each social network has its own ecosystem, that is, its language. The format of the content changes, as well as the profile of the public and even the techniques must be adapted.



Facebook is the most popular social platform in the world, with more than 2.4 million monthly active users, according to data from the made in early 2020.

Its great popularity, along with the tools it offers for business, makes it one of the most used by companies.

In addition to being able to create a page for your business, you have tools for creating personalized ad campaigns for your target audience, a marketplace space for direct sales, and metric analysis tools.

Below, you can see our tips to be successful marketing on Facebook. Look at them!

Create a page for your business

The Facebook business page, also known as a fan page, is the address of your business on this social network.

Through it, you can record all the business information, communicate with the public, as well as have automated tools for communication and performance management tools.

Also, you will only be able to create ads if you have this page. Therefore, it is essential that you create one.

Stay in touch with the public

As you should already know, the relationship with the public has a lot of value. Take advantage of Facebook’s contact tools to show your audience that your business is open to dialogue.

In addition to giving them more confidence, the engagement of the page increases, and this is very positive for more people to know about your business organically.

Active contact with the public involves responding to comments, ask for topic suggestions, etc.


One of the main advantages of Facebook is the effectiveness of its advertising tool, .

It is possible to make sponsored posts in the feed, in the sidebar of the website, in the partner network and even on Instagram.

The very complete segmentation offered by this service allows you to make much more personalized and efficient ads for your target audience.

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In addition, it offers flexibility on how much you want to invest, being able to adjust the budget at any time. In addition, you have the metrics to evaluate the performance of the campaigns and adjust them according to the reports you receive whenever you want.

Do not miss it!


YouTube is the second most used social platform in the world! In addition to being considered a social network, it is also the second most important search engine, after Google.

That means that people come to YouTube to search and find solutions to their questions.

Therefore, the main bet of those who want to use YouTube for marketing is to focus on producing quality content. Find out how to do it!

Post relevant content

Relevant content is one that solves the user’s doubts and adds value. Therefore, plan the publication of videos that answer questions about your product or service and issues related to it.

Make tutorials, product reviews, informative videos and try to hook your audience, asking them to comment on their doubts and ask questions that you can answer in the next videos.

Also, keep quality in mind. Publish more complete videos than those of your competition, with good sound and image quality.

Do SEO for YouTube

Since YouTube is a search engine, it makes a lot of sense that it always reaches new audiences. Therefore, the potential for organic disclosure is very high for your business.

But with so much competition, not all quality videos show up on the search page.

However, there are techniques you can use to get your channel’s videos displayed in the top search results, and even on the front page and in other video suggestions.

These techniques are known as SEO, which stands for search engine optimization.

If you want to learn how to attract visibility to your videos,


Instagram is one of the fastest growing social networks today. This platform offers a variety of features, which are ideal for companies, brands, and businesses to use to their advantage.

The advice we give you here is to use the tools for business, be creative and use your resources to the fullest.

Create a business profile

The It allows you to include information about the business, such as buttons for the website and contact.

In addition, you will get access to exclusive tools, such as Insights, to analyze the performance of your publications and ads ().

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