MAX function in Excel: uses, formula or syntax and examples

The MAX function in Excel is responsible for indicate the highest value in a set of values. This formula is easy to use, but requires knowing its components and the program tools.

In view of this, in this article we will explain how to use the MAX function in Excel easily and quickly. With this, you will be able to quickly search through cells that contain numerical values.


The MAX function in Excel is composed of the following arguments:

  • Number 1: is a mandatory argument since it is the first value that will be evaluated and with which it will begin to be compared. This can be a manual numeric value (20), a range (A3:A7), or a cell reference (C4).
  • Number2: is an optional value, but it is recommended to add it to have an evaluation list. Like number1, it can be a manual value, a range or a reference.

How to use the MAX function in Excel?

In the following examples you will detail various ways to use the MAX function in Excel:

With a list of numbers

To use the MAX function in Excel with a manual list of numbers, you just have to enter “=MAX(” in a cell and type the numerical data.

For example, in this case the following data will be entered: 20, 55, 76, 45, 36. When closing parentheses and pressing “Enter”, the function returns 76 as a result because it is the highest value in the list.

Note: Separation of arguments must be done with commas (,) or semicolons (;). This will vary depending on the version of Excel you have.

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With a range of cells

In Excel, a range is the set of cells that can be selected to perform a calculation between them. To use the MAX function in Excel with a value range, you just have to do the following:

  1. Write the function “ in an available cell=MAX(”. In this example, we will look for the highest value in a sales average.
  2. Now, click and hold over the first cell and drag the mouse to the last one. In this case it will be “B3:B6”.
  3. Close parentheses and pressEnter”. This is how you will see the result.

Using a data array

Matrix in Excel is a larger set of data that comprises multiple values. If you want to use it with the MAX function, just use the steps explained above.

That is, you must enter the “=MAX()” function in an available cell, click and hold on the first data cell until the last value (in this case it will be A3:F6), close parentheses and press “Enter”.

Note: You can also enter the MAX function through the “ optionAutosum” (Σ). To do this, you must go to the “Home” tab, click on the arrow next to the autosum sign and press “MAX”.

Aspects to consider

When using the MAX function in Excel, you must keep the following aspects in mind:

  • If the arguments do not have numbers, the MAX function will return zero (0).
  • If an array or cell reference is used, only numbers will be used that are within said element. The function will skip empty cells, with logical or textual values.
  • The MAX function can be composed of numbers or names, matrices and referencesbut these must contain numbers.
  • If you want to add logical values ​​or textual representations of numbers, it is recommended to use the MAXA function.
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In conclusion, if you want to find the highest value among a set of values, you just have to use the MAX function in Excel according to the examples that have been demonstrated.

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