Millennial Generation: who are they and how to sell to them?

The Millennial Generation, also known as the millennial generation, are the people born between 1977 and 1995. They transformed our consumption relationship and made us rethink how we distribute, consume and deliver products and services.

This generation, which has “a lot of material to cut”, solves everything with a click. They are authentic, curious and have a very decisive decision-making power that directly impacts the sales sector.

In this text, we will show you a little of the x-ray of this consumer. We will also reveal some opportunities and challenges to conquer it. Read our post to the end!

What are their buying habits like?

Most of the purchases made by the millennial generation is online.

This type of consumer makes purchases of various types, from books, video games,electronic equipment, clothing, footwear and sporting goods to food and household products.

Most of these purchases are made in large , websites, applications and online stores. And, therefore, knowing how to please this consumer and having an authentic and more sincere approach is essential to conquer it.

The practicality and comfort they are one of the main reasons millennials shop online. Also, many websites offer lower prices, better payment terms, and more product options.

Because this generation is extremely questioning, using techniques of Y to attract it can help you with your sales strategy, because in addition to offering relevant content and information, you get closer to the user and create a relationship of trust with him.

X-ray of the millennial generation

Understanding the heart, mind, and pocketbook of the millennial generation is no easy task. They were born and live in a completely instantaneous and technological world and, therefore, they are constantly moved by great restlessness.

Technology and the Internet have turned millennials into a better informed and culturally prepared generation. They know how to give their opinion on everything and they are just one click away from what they don’t know.

The easy access to information makes this group carry out extensive market research before making a decision and concluding a purchase.

  • They are restless and are always aware of changes.
  • They have easy access to information and like to give their opinion.
  • They do a lot of research before making a purchase.

How to sell to the consumer of the Millennial Generation?

To sell to this consumer, you must have a good understanding of their pain and show that you know how they feel and that your product/service can help them.

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Each user’s experience with your brand is crucial to knowing if they will continue to consume your product or not.

Millennials tend to want the shopping experience more than the actual purchase. This means that searching online works like entertainment until they finally find the product they crave.

This cycle is part of . For this reason, if you is related to the millennial generation, it is a good idea that you approach them with advertising and providing services in the .

No matter what kind of platform you use, to attract and engage a millennial, you have to produce creative content.

It is important to understand this cycle to successfully conclude your sale. To achieve this, during the dialogue with your target audience, eliminate any objections they may have. Show him that your product is exactly what he needs, earn his trust and offer guarantees through tests.

The millennial generation also shares sustainable ideas. So, if your company is involved in any action related to the environment or social development, show it to them. If not, reconsider your ideas and values, as the tendency to spend money on sustainable products and businesses can be passed on to future generations.

The influence of social networks

The way the millennial generation communicates is directly related to their buying habits.

The generation born in she is committed, critical and demanding. As a generation with more opportunities to study, it is not influenced by advertisements, long speeches or television commercials.

To communicate with this generation, virtual interactions must be taken into account, because they spend a lot of time connected to

This proximity to the online world makes it the main source of information for this audience.

They look to social networks to base their research and purchases. In a matter of seconds they can clarify their doubts or find some information of their interest.

Therefore, it is important that your business is present in at least one of the social networks.

In addition to strengthening relationships with the consumer, digital platforms contribute to the exposure of your brand, enhance engagement and support user experience strategies.

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What are the social networks that millennials use the most?

You may be wondering what are the the millennial generation and where we can find it, right?

We know that there are many social networks and that, although some are similar, each one has its own specific audience.

With that in mind, we show you here the main social networks used by the millennial generation and the types of niches they use.


Some say it’s losing ground, but with more than 2 billion active users worldwide, Facebook remains a millennial favorite.

They use this multifunctional network not only to generate business, but also for their interpersonal relationships and to exchange information.

whatsapp/ whatsapp business

This messaging application works as a facilitator in the interaction with customers. Here they can automate, sort and reply to messages.

Widely used to report hours of operation and response times, it is also a tool for making sales.


It is a platform focused on the exclusive exchange of videos. Users can interact through comments as well as likes and dislikes.

They can also create live streams and segmented videos.


It is the first network entirely designed for mobile devices. It is dynamic and very visual.

In you can create a public account for a business profile, which can also become a web store. In addition to photos, it is possible to create different video formats.


Today, it is the largest corporate social network.

Focused on personal relationship connections, job offers and professional recruitment, many users use it to share experiences and other activities related to the corporate world.


This is where memes are born. On this network, you can create polls and post instant messages of up to 280 characters.

Widely used to keep abreast of world events and the most talked about topics at the moment, it is also a tool for companies that want to know the opinion of the public in real time.


Very focused on the visual, this social network allows the user to save images based on their interests. It has a predominantly female audience and is widely used by fashion, cooking, decoration and creativity companies.

Opportunities and challenges for a company to attract this type of public.

Do as the millennial generation: investigate!

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Try to understand how your audience works according to your niche and in what media you can find it. Create relevant content that solves problems, sparks curiosity, and offers some value.

Try to participate or create ethical and sustainable initiatives. Often these values ​​are more important to millennials than the price of the product.

And remember: regardless of the generation, the best practices, the sales strategies and the way you deliver your work is what will determine if you are going to close a sale or not.

How, in fact, to sell to this consumer?

1. Work on the visual!

This generation is all the time with the cell phone in hand. Therefore, pay attention to the design of your pieces and make use of short and striking texts.

2. Use new technologies

The millennial generation loves new technologies and uses different electronic devices. Therefore, it is important that you use different platforms and be aware of new releases.

The more in tune you and your company are, the more likely they are to closely follow what this generation is interested in and interested in.

3. Work with digital influencers

As it is a generation disconnected from the standard ads, working with personal recommendations andit can help segment your audience, contribute to content production, and increase your brand visibility.

Influencers generate engagement, increase conversion rates and also humanize brands.

4. Prioritize quality, good price and agility

Fervently, the millennial generation seeks excellent service and the best value for money, because they carry out several searches before finalizing a purchase. They want it all “for now”!

5. Offer different payment methods!

Yes, this topic is very important, because the majority of millennials make purchases with credit cards or cash-back.

They hardly ever carry money in their pockets, so to sell to this generation and secure a sale it’s important to have a card machine in your hands.

Now that you have discovered how to decipher this type of consumer, how about delving into ?

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