Order Bump: how to increase your average ticket? | Blog

Many tools can boost the business of those who produce and promote digital products with . Today you will discover one more: the Order Bump!

What is the Order Bump?

Order Bump is a super powerful strategy that allows you to offer more than one product – a complementary product to the main one that you already offer – in just one Payment Page, thus increasing the billing and average ticket of your business, in addition to the diversification in sales of your catalog.

It works like this: Until now, the moment your customer landed on your Checkout Page, they only saw your main product listed for sale.

Now, in addition to your main offer, you can also offer other complementary products – most of the time, with a lower ticket – at the time of purchase decision.

For example: if you have a washing machine maintenance course as your core offering, you can sell an add-on to your course (such as washing machine pump specialization) at the same time.

Or even better, in another example, if you work in the garment industry, how about offering a basic cutting and sewing course to your beginning students?

In an analogy, it’s the same as “buy an Italian pasta for $5 dollars and, for another $2 dollars, take the sauce”, what do you think?

In other words, your chances of selling the complementary product are much, much more significant, thus increasing your average ticket for each sale.

Get to know some of the advantages of ‘s Order Bump!

With this strategic novelty for your digital business you can:

  • Increase the average value of the purchase by adding accessible products that are really of interest to your customers;
  • Promote the sale of more products from your catalog (greater Lifetime Value);
  • Have greater commitment to your brand by showing more products to potential buyers;
  • Elevate the shopping experience and customer knowledge.
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Do you want to take advantage of the Order Bump from now on?

For starters, there are no secrets. You just need to have or create a Payment Page with the Payment Page Skin and use one or more components available for this functionality. And that’s it, you have everything at hand so you can sell more!

Oh, and if you still don’t know the Appearance of… it is a tool designed to increase sales that is of special importance.

It is a solution that gives a high degree of customization to the payment pages of your products, different elements of the desktop version to customize the Payment Page on smartphones and tablets.

To give you an idea of ​​how this is a tool with a lot of potential, over the course of 2018, over 30% of checkouts were processed by Checkout Pages created in the Checkout Page Appearance. 🙂

And even more… You can create multiple Checkout Pages, taking into account each of your digital product strategies, to create as many personalized offers as you want, and various high-converting Checkout Page ready templates.

Other solutions that can help you sell again to who is already your client

Advertise without spending with paid traffic

For example: a student has enrolled in your Clay craft course. With an announcement at the end of classes, in the study space itself (Club), you can offer them a Clay painting course as a supplement to your learning.

Being in Club, the engagement of students with the content is already high and, therefore, the chances that they will buy relevant content from you again are much higher.

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Send personalized messages to each of your students

I will give you an example of how to do it: you can send a welcome email to your student who has just enrolled in your course. Or also a reminder to those who haven’t seen classes for days. With Automatic Contact Management (ListBoss) it is possible to do it!

For your strategy to work perfectly, remember that Automatic Contact Management (ListBoss) must be integrated with an email sending tool.


And to help you conquer and retain your customers even more…

Did you like these news? Don’t waste any more time and start putting them into practice right now.

And if you have any questions about this or other matters, please contact our .

Hugs and good deals!

This post was originally written in September 2018 and updated in March 2021 to contain more complete and accurate information.

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