poor performance

good morning everyone

A few days ago I have been observing a poor performance of my blog. In the browser everything appears misplaced and out of place. I don’t know if it’s due to a problem with the theme’s template or a plugin. I restored the entire website to a previous copy and everything was fine, although after a few hours everything broke down again. Even going back to a previous copy of the backup and although apparently everything seems to be fine, some minor problems persist such as shortcodes that do not work and some elements out of place. I have 7 plugins to update but when I do, absolutely everything gets out of place again, no matter what it is, even if I update them one by one to detect the problem. My knowledge doesn’t go further so I don’t know what I can do. To top it off, it seems that the performance is not the same depending on which browser (even clearing the cache), so I never know what the user is actually seeing. Can anyone offer me some advice?


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Answered : 07/10/2022 11:39 am

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