read more in text

I am sending you capture and copies of the texts:

– This is how I want it to look (but when I put it in English ‘Read More’ and ‘Close’ the format is disassembled again):

-This is how it looks to me in this text, I don’t understand why:

I add each text in case you can send it to me corrected with the code, I want only the first 2 paragraphs of each text to be shown, with ‘Read More and ‘Close’, and in the color and format that I show in the image above ( #b5997d and letter roboto):

*Thank you very much for your help.

Text 1:

We launched into this great dream with our own collection of kimonos and oversize kaftan called HABITAT.

Inspired by what a trip to the jungle would be like. Camouflaging ourselves between its dirt roads, golden sunsets, being intruders in its territory and way of life of each small or big animal, its tribes and its instinct to live in the middle of nature.

Feel and see their habitat.Ssurround yourself with their skins, noises, languages ​​​​and rules of survival. Get to know them up close and run into them on any day of excursion or an extraordinary night of a camp in the middle of nowhere. On a fascinating island in the southeast of Africa.

An environment as unique as it is mixed and primitive. There are all kinds of dangers or beautiful green forests, arid or very humid soils, colored waters and very hot breezes. Here we are all exotic animals.

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Text 2:


We gave value to an input used by all in their clothing, without any prominence, with their THREADS one by one, designing unique, handmade.

Freedom could not have the best ally when it comes to dressing, than to be able to weave Stories from the hand of our Colombian artisans.

We create a new trend, a new use, a new styling.

Central America, North America and South America have had the pleasure of wearing our yarns made free and unique garments.

We believe and support sustainable fashion, by artisans full of passion for their work. each thread, texture and color is selected by the best hands.

Welcome to the handmade world of BLESS!

Text 3:

MANIK was born in the majestic and mysterious jungle of Tulum. Quintana Roo, his name referring to the 7th day of the Mayan Calendar, and represented by an eye and a servant, which symbolize Profit and Production.

Inspired by this wonderful place where hats are the protagonists in men and women both day and night, beach club, party and the different restaurants that the place offers.

Our product is 100% Mexican made by its people and with the final touch and design of its creator Gabriela Zerpa, who wants to take her product to every corner of the world, more than hats. Amulets that decorated our bodies and protect our Souls.

Each hat made with details in: real feathers, natural pieces that are collected throughout this majestic jungle, Hand painted, unique designs in silver, gold and bronze.

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Exclusive and personalized models for each of our ManikGirl or ManikBoy.

“Modern kings no longer wear Crown, now they wear Hats”

Answered : 07/01/2021 3:31 pm

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