Resources blocked for googlebot

Good afternoon John.
Thanks for your answer.
the thread, VERY GOOD.
I am going to modify the “robots.txt” adding:
User-agent: *
Allow: /modules/*.css$
Allow: /modules/*.js$
Allow: /modules/*.png$
Allow: /modules/*.gif$
Allow: /modules/*.jpg$
Allow: /themes/themename/*.css$
Allow: /themes/themename/*.js$
Allow: /themes/themename/*.png$
Allow: /themes/themename/*.gif$
Allow: /themes/themename/*.jpg$

In the “top” of the file, I am not clear about the “$” operator and if I have to particularize (I understand that I do) my theme, so the last 5 lines would remain:

This would unlock about 200 pages. If you consider giving me any advice, please indicate.

For “404” and “500” errors (blog,…etc.) I think there is a free module for prestashop to modify the .htacces similar to “WordPress”, I’ll look in the threads.

Ezekiel Golderos


Answered : 03/12/2018 2:55 pm

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