Sales books: 10 reading suggestions to sell more

Being a good salesperson does not depend only on natural talent. It is necessary to combine a lot of knowledge with practice to develop in this activity.

To know the best sales strategies and stand out in the market, it is essential to study the theory. And one of the best ways to gain knowledge is by reading.

Sales books usually show which help marketers of all niches and experience levels develop methods and techniques capable of changing the way they and close deals.

But with so many titles available on the market, it can be difficult to choose the best ones with techniques and tips that really work.

With this in mind, we’ve rounded up 10 sales book suggestions for you to further specialize in this area. In our list, you find some of the main classics and also more recent titles.

Read on to find out about them!

Why is reading so important today?

The world is increasingly busy and having free time is practically a luxury. Therefore, books are no longer a priority for many people.

In search of quick pills of knowledge, many end up forgetting that good books have been around for years and can help build careers when put to good use.

Reading is one of the healthiest habits we can cultivate. After all, in addition to helping us discover new things, it also entertains us with stories that feed our imagination. Books have the power to make us slow down a little the pace of everyday life.

In sales, reading is just as important as any other way of gaining knowledge. And a good sales book is one that brings together the most studied theories and practice of the business world.

10 sales books to help you close more deals

Now that you know that reading is very important, especially to become a good salesperson, it’s time to get to know our book recommendations on the subject.

Come with us!

1. Sales Acceleration Formula, by Marc Roberge

One of the largest companies in in the world, Hubspot, managed to exceed US $1,000 million. And its first vice president, Marc Roberge, tells in this book how they were able to reach this important figure.

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Marc addresses topics such as culture, metrics, use of technology, and how to manage and reward the commercial team of a successful company.

It is, without a doubt, one of the mandatory readings for those who are riding a .

2. SPIN Selling, by Neil Rackham

In this book, the author, Neil Rackham, discusses SPIN Selling, a powerful sales methodology that he developed himself.

The work emphasizes the importance of a greater interaction of sellers in the sales process, mainly in view of the new behavior observed in consumers.

The methodology is ideal both for companies that work in the as it tackles the complexity of more elaborate sales and teaches the reader to ask the right questions in search of conversion.

3. Zig Ziglar’s great secrets to closing the sale

If you work in sales, you’ve probably already heard of Zig Ziglar. After all, this American author is one of the most well-known and influential thinkers in the world.

In this book, Ziglar discusses a wide variety of techniques used to obtain a people, something fundamental for a good sale.

It is ideal for professionals looking to renew their careers, as it makes them rethink their activities a lot.

4. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This book is one of the classics of the area. Its author, Dale Carnegie, talks about one of the most important aspects to be able to sell well: the Between people.

With simple and efficient techniques, Carnegie teaches how it is possible to relate to other people in a harmonious way. Sellers, of course, can apply these techniques.

The book also brings the experiences of the author and various well-known figures, such as Winston Churchill, Henry Ford and Abraham Lincoln.

5. Predictable Revenue, by Marylou Tyler and Aaron Ross

This book presents one of the most interesting proposals on this list: the possibility of developing the ability to sell a lot without dying trying.

The work questions, among other things, the inconstant and dramatic lifestyle of those who work in the sales area.

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In addition, it offers an alternative, presenting ways of living with quality and creating a continuous flow of closing deals, capable of transforming the company into a “million dollar sales machine”.

6. The Sales Bible, by Jeffrey Gitomer

“The Sales Bible” is one of the most aptly named books on this entire list. After all, Jeffrey Gitomer’s work is considered by many to be the best-selling book published to date.

Essential for any seller, The Sales Bible brings a real step-by-step of how to sell, in addition to presenting the 10 and a half commandments (yes, there is a half commandment in the book that is worth your curiosity) essential to becoming an excellent salesman.

7. Selling is Human, by Daniel H. Pink

In an increasingly automated and mechanical world, Daniel H. Pink reminds us in his work that sales activity is essentially human.

It seems obvious, right? But this book also reminds us that, before any marketing and sales automation tool, it is essential that a good salesperson knows how to relate to people.

Pink makes us understand that it is possible to convince and influence other people, through humanized techniques, such as commotion and the transmission of significant messages. It is really a work that is increasingly necessary for those who want to become good salespeople.

8. The Power of Habitsby Charles Duhigg

From the beginning of this text, we said that the habit of reading is very important, remember? And it is precisely about the transforming power of this habit that Charles Duhigg speaks to us in this book.

Based on a series of studies and research, Duhigg analyzes the functioning and impacts of habits in our lives. And in doing so, the author created a powerful work capable of helping anyone to change and create more positive habits.

If you want to change some habits that are harming your personal or professional life, don’t stop reading this work.

9. The world’s greatest salesmanby OG Mandino

This book was first published in 1968. In it, OG Mandino uses the story of a camel driver to expose ten principles dedicated to those who want to become the best salesman in the world.

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The principles, exposed in the form of scrolls, talk about restarting, persistence, singularity, intensity, emotional intelligence, good humor, action, among other topics.

The world’s greatest salesman is a bestseller, which has already sold more than 50 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 25 languages. It is a true source of inspiration and a guide for those who want to stand out in the world of sales.

10. The 7 habits of highly effective peopleby Stephen R. Covey

One of the keys to being successful in any profession is to be . And in the sales area it is no different. But, to achieve this, it is necessary to cultivate good habits.

Stephen R. Covey wrote this book more than 15 years ago, but his teachings are still very current. Throughout the work, the author lists the habits that successful people share, such as the and know how to set priorities.

Although it is not a sales book, The 7 habits of highly effective people It is a must read for all people who want to become good salespeople.

Read more to sell more and better

Sales books provide great knowledge to those who are dedicated to this art.

However, they are just good vehicles that help you reflect on your activity and offer you tools so that you can sell in the best possible way, combining efficiency and productivity.

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