Solution to the problem Internet Explorer cannot open the site

The error you get: “internet explorer can’t open the site” “Operation aborted” in my experience, is caused by trying to make a javascript change to the page before the page has finished loading. With Javascript, theoretically, you shouldn’t modify the DOM until after it has finished loading and rendering in the browser. The DOM is what we at .com call the browser’s object hierarchy, and it is used to alter the content or styles of a web page using Javascript. If the structure of the page or the contents are modified by means of Javascript before said structure (the DOM) has finished loading, Internet Explorer may go dumb and interpret that there was an error and give you these “internet explorer” messages cannot open the site… Operation aborted.” The solution is to modify the DOM only after verifying that it has finished loading completely, that is, to modify the DOM when it is ready (DOM ready). For this we can use the onload event of the page, to execute actions at the moment that has finished loading. But we must know that the onload event is not entirely optimal to know when the DOM is ready and we can do things with it. The onload event is fired when it has finished loading all the page contents and all external files like images, css declarations, banners, external scripts, etc. However, for the DOM to be ready, you don’t need to wait for all the external files to load, but the browser needs to have downloaded all the HTML code for the page and processed all the tags to create the document structure. . So the onload event may take a little longer than necessary to execute. As an alternative, to know when we can alter things in the document, we can use several mechanisms. The easiest I find is to use a Javascript framework like Mootools, which has an event that can be created to do actions when the Dom is ready. We have seen that event in an article by : Mootools domready event. However, we can also do this by ourselves without using a Mootools-like framework, with a Javascript script that executes actions depending on the user’s browser. We are going to publish this solution in the manual Working with the DOM javascript

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