Ten keys to identify a good jewel

Christmas is approaching and jewelry is usually a succored gift. To avoid doubts and uncertainty as to whether we will be choosing the perfect necklace or earrings, the creative team at Apodemia has developed a decalogue to apply when purchasing a piece of jewellery.

1- The style

The first step is to choose the type of jewel that is needed. For example, if you are looking for some statement earrings, a large necklace is not recommended. As a general rule, it is better to bet on timeless, simple pieces that can be used on almost any occasion. Minimalist jewelry doesn’t have to be boring, yet it can help enhance any outfit.

2- Special occasions

This rule also applies to the acquisition of jewelry for specific moments such as weddings or social events. At this time you can take a risk with unique pieces where detail predominates, as long as they combine with the rest of the outfit.

3- Quality materials

Once the type of piece that is needed is known, the next step is to take into account the quality of the materials with which it is made. In the case of jewelry, gold is the most used material, and its quality is measured based on carats. A piece of pure gold will have 24 kt.

4- Resistant bathroom

With current metallurgy processes, jewelry has gone one step further, making available to customers an endless number of resistant materials created from various alloys. However, the final bath is still essential to guarantee the maximum duration of the piece. Apodemia, for example, has its own patent for 18kt armored gold that guarantees a duration of 10 years.

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5- Time of use

To choose the perfect type of material or bath for each piece of jewellery, it is important to think about when the piece will be used. When the use is going to be daily, it is recommended to choose resistant materials to avoid bumps or scratches.

6- Decoration

Jewelry can use a multitude of different beads and stones for its preparations, so the quality of these must also be taken into account. When it comes to precious stones, these help to guarantee unique pieces, since the colors or shapes are not always the same. However, there are zircons and other synthetic appliqués that, despite being artificial, offer truly amazing finishes.

7- Tonality

The colors of the pieces, silver, gold or pink, must also be taken into account when selecting the perfect jewel, although it is best to stay true to your personal style. One of the tips from the Apodemia store advisers is, for example, to choose golden tones on brown skin.

8- Brand essence

Every firm has a way of seeing the world, an inspiration and an objective, so if we go to brands that are similar to our values, the shopping experience will surely be much more complete.

9-Exclusive design

Another of the tips for choosing a piece is to bet on firms that develop unique designs. It is increasingly common for brands to be inspired by other collections to create their own, however, in the world of jewelry there are creatives who are still committed to being differential, which is why they seek their inspiration in elements of nature, moving away from patterns established by fashions. If you choose a firm that replaces its collections every so often, originality will be guaranteed.

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10- Fidelity

Finally, the Apodemia team recommends being true to yourself, and not dressing up or hiding behind a piece of jewelry. Each person has tastes and preferences, so, even if there are trends, it is always more advisable to stay true to your own style and bring out the essence that each one carries inside.

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